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Posts posted by AngryDragon

  1. 18 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:


    Show your work.



    This was the article from late Feb. 

    Edited because that 14% number came from a specific province. Not all of China.


  2. 2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    It'd be awesome to have some decency but that seems to be in as rare as ventilators.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, atomheartbevo said:

    1234.   This thing could be torpedoed because of that.  They should have done the payments to Americans/families as its own little bill instead of tying it to all of this other stuff.  

    Also, they need to clarify to Americans if this is from this year’s (2020j taxes - I’ve seen them taking about this basically being an advanced tax refund (reducing your refund next year) or being counted against next year’s taxes.   So it doesn’t sound like it’s free money like some are claiming.   But again, a lot of stuff is being tossed out by Mnuchin, Mitchell. Etc. and no clear idea on where it’s coming from.   

    The bill in current form has absolutely no business being passed. You're right about it being it's own little bill but that would require people in DC to do the right thing.

  4. 1 hour ago, VABuckeye said:

    Listening to Cuomo speak.  He's not playing the political blame game.  Quite the opposite.  He's saying that the parties are working together and that the political red tape needs to be cut.  He also emphasized that a bill about Coronavirus needs to be about relief only with no pork.  Money where money needs to go to those in need.

    No chance of that happening unfortunately. 

  5. Just now, Huckleberry said:

    Turns out this was a massive opportunity for the Democrats but will be more difficult with Biden, who is a known comfortable bank buddy, on the ticket.

    Imagine advertisements in the midwest asking this: "Would you rather have your $18,000 in your family of four's bank account so you can decide where it's 'injected into the economy' or would you rather have bank executives in Manhattan decide if and when they'll be so kind to loan you some of it with interest?"

    Dammit I wish Warren didn't suck as a politician.

    Outside of Yang, which Democrat would actually do this? 

  6. Look on the bright side fellas. We are going to have a plethora of coding coal miners soon. I don't particularly like Biden (senile) or Sanders but luckily they're running against the biggest turd living on the planet so it's an easy choice. Took an exit poll for the first time in my life and my only priority is getting the R's and Trump out of office as quickly as possible.

    • Like 2
  7. What is it about her that reaches you, Celine? Genuinely curious. I've seen her at every debate but nothing she or Pete does inspires anything at all in me. I just expect more of the previous status quo with these two. Klob is even more of a turn off for me because she's approved Trump judges at extremely high rates. Like David, I'd only vote for her or Pete if they are the nominee.

    • Like 2
  8. On 1/26/2020 at 1:47 AM, Al Czervik said:

    Saw it today and it was great. I would watch it again with recent releases like Uncut Gems and 1917.  
    So many questions and observations made in this thread makes the film more intriguing.  Catching the pre-movie Birth Movies Death at Alamo gave a little insight to the director for me as I had not seen any of his films.  Go in with an open mind and prepare to be shocked/surprised and not disappointed. 

    side note: the ‘wealthy’ Mom was hot as balls. And her hot Mom friends that were invited over for the party.....oh myyyyy. Makes Al want to relocate South of the 38th parallel.  Al like watching the LPGA for a reason. 

    You can see "more" of her in some of her past films. 

    The Servant 


    The Concubine

    I used to watch her in a couple of dramas and variety shows so I was pretty shocked to see her in those movies from what I saw of her personality.

  9. On 2/8/2020 at 10:14 AM, mdmost said:

    Watched it last night and really enjoyed it. Cinematography was excellent. Need to check out the director’s other films.

    Would really recommend Memories of Murder (based on the true story of Korea's most infamous serial killer) and Mother. 

    Also, if it's your first introduction into Korean film movies like I Saw the Devil, Man from Nowhere, The Chaser,  A New World, Train to Busan are all great movies to watch.

  10. Just now, TexArcher said:

    I'm actually with Steyer on a couple of his comments tonight.  There's way too much talk about minute differences among people who agree on 90+% of policy and not nearly enough talk about how-do-we-beat-Trump?  And he's right that the answer absolutely has to be "on the economy."

    If i have to choose between the 2 billionaires, Steyer has my vote. I didn't include Trump because I don't think he was one before becoming President.

  11. 6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Awful fucking answer. Completely protective of unitary executive power. 

    Terrible shit


    What's Bernie's stance as far as prosecuting Trump and his gang of criminals? 

    I've read most of his other policies but didn't see anything except for his soundbite of calling Trump the most corrupt president in history.

  12. Well...looks like the Yang run is over. I think he lost nearly every Democrat supporting him with that horrid Trump answer. He's actually right about Trump being a symptom but his answer made it seem like he's giving Trump a free pass for all the atrocities he's committing while in office. Disappointing. 

    If there's one silver lining to a Warren presidency it'll be seeing her go after Trump and his gang of criminals.

  13. Just now, AngryDragon said:

    I think he's going to surprise a lot of folks in Iowa tomorrow and I fully expect him to grab at least a delegate. If he doesn't his campaign will take a major step back considering how much time and money he's spent in Iowa.


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