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TXSooner518 last won the day on April 22 2022

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  1. Right. Tamayo wasn't using them. Other people were and communicating the information to him. EDIT to add: And I'm not trying to be smartass or pedantic. For example, what if I'm down to 12 bigs in a tourney and text a buddy and say hey wug open jamming ranges 12 bigs BTN, CO, HJ? and he replies? Was I "using a solver"? I don't think so. It gets pretty gray pretty fast.
  2. Looks like this was in fact part of his value for the FT! I can't agree with calling it cheating, but agree it's a bad look and agree that it will be made against the rules going forward. The trick will be what constitutes "coaching"? "Hey, next hand, you should open QTo+, J7s+, 44+" surely is. But what about "The blinds in the next hand are defending way too tight, open up?" Or "relax, deep breaths, you have 40 bigs, you're fine"?
  3. The QQ fold is pretty crazy, and I guess depends on exactly how much $$ you can add by making the final table, which I have no estimate on. Also, if you think you have a significant skill edge and will benefit from the rest day, and/or a team of really sharp people who can spend that day crafting notes and plans on the other players, then there is a lot of value in not busting beyond just the pay jumps themselves. I wasn't watching the coverage, so dunno how much the guy who opened that hand was opening, which also impacts it of course.
  4. Mon Ami Gabi bacon def slams and goes hard. LFG
  5. Small claims court got repealed in 2013. Every county has a justice court that handles civil cases up to $20k, but as you note, they can't issue an injunctive order.
  6. T-minus one week til flying out to Vegas, LFG!
  7. Yeah Pine Dunes is awesome, replays are half price and weekdays are usually pretty empty. I’ve played 36 there multiple times.
  8. Hmmmm, that's like a, ummm, a 0.6, and I'm obviously eating that.
  9. Also so stupid that we can do parlay player prop sites like PrizePicks, but can't just fucking bet a point spread or individual player props.
  10. Def not against described opponent. There are definitely a lot of 1/2 guys who are just never ever firing river with worse. Nice fade!
  11. BTW, I'm using a Discord server to share tourney action, rather than Twitter now, thanks to Elon nerfing Circles. Anyone who wants an invite, holler. Playing one this Friday at The Lodge. LGLG
  12. JFC LOL at big stack getting in multiway there with that hand.
  13. True! Or one or both of them might also have a flush draw, likely with a pair or two pair or a straight draw, which could decrease our outs but guarantee full pay.
  14. A dude led $100 into 7 people and another called $100 with 5 left to act on the turn, they are likely to have hands that will payoff. Also possible that they both have strong hands on the board you don't hit on, and all 3 players put stacks in on river, and you and whoever wins the other board chop the 3rd guy's money up. Also you are closing the action. I'd say much more reasonable fold if you are, say, UTG+1, and may be forced to call off stack on turn with no implied odds helping your equity.
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