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Everything posted by Teryor

  1. https://theathletic.com/1619591/2020/03/30/a-season-on-the-edge-with-shaka-smart/?source=shared-article
  2. Relevant to this thread
  3. Not to defend Texags but I think it has to do more with the profession of "goes to high school football games and texts with 15-18 year olds"
  4. Pretty weird to try and misinform others of what an article says when you can't read it. It just says that if we hire Beilein there wouldn't be a big chain reaction pf other hires/firings and paying 10.5 mil for a buyout is a "bad look" according to him in today's climate.
  5. I'm glad it's not cancelled so we can just address how incredibly stupid this comment is
  6. He's had by far his lowest rate of getting to the free throw line on drives this year of his career
  7. 1. We only have 1 spot open next year 2. Basketball and football recruiting work a lot differently, only 9 of ESPN's top 60 are committed so far Of course both of these are reasons in favor of firing him as soon as possible
  8. Keep in mind with this that all it takes is one extra unexpected team grabbing a conference tourney win for us to be knocked out of that spot so it's even more precarious than it looks
  9. What? I've said why. He's underperformed most of his tenure, has an absolute trash offensive system, and his record in March is ATROCIOUS.
  10. That would make sense since we're only able to have 3 scholarship players on the bench at a time
  11. ISU also lost what was a top 3 most valuable player in the conference to injury
  12. Wow 2 minutes in and we've got our 1st free throws off a shooting foul in a couple games
  13. Purdue in overtime with Rutgers, not only a lot of bracket implications but a bit on our SoS
  14. Disagree if there's some kind of agreement with Beilein. Not having to pay a buyout for a new coach more than makes up for having to pay the extra 3 mil this year.
  15. Remarkable that they managed to find a way for Roach to make his predictions even more milquetoast
  16. I can tell you from experience that Maryland fans have a very rocky relationship with him. He's failed to get them deep in the tournament and has underperformed their expectations basically every season. His offense is incredibly suspect, his recruiting is very strong (Texas prototype right there). Yes, they are having a fantastic year this year, but had it played out where they were ranked 20-25th with a 1st weekend exit this season they would have called for his head in March. Hell, if they get bounced early it'll happen regardless with how talented this team is.
  17. Joe Burrow's hand measurement comes out to 9" flat. Are tiny hands in?
  18. Think it's fair to assume this won't affect him going after jobs
  19. https://theathletic.com/1619192/2020/02/19/inside-the-failed-john-beilein-cavs-experiment-and-a-franchise-culture-problem/
  20. https://theathletic.com/1617404/2020/02/18/sources-john-beilein-cavaliers-expected-to-part-ways-by-wednesday/ Most relevant parts:
  21. Knew Wright's name was going to come up, here's an article from today wrt the Knicks, basically saying he'd need to be overwhelmed by an offer to leave Nova https://www.nj.com/sports/2020/02/nba-rumors-latest-on-knicks-interest-in-villanovas-jay-wright.html I do think Bennett is in that top tier of potentially attainable college coaches. Kinda tough to say who else would be in that mix. Chris Mack is making 4 mil a year at a BASKETBALL school, are you really able to get someone like him? Aside from Beilein, don't expect any NBA head coaches to be remotely in the mix. I wouldn't be surprised if Royal Ivey's name is thrown around basically as our Juwan Howard equivalent to Michigan, but doesn't fit what CTJ is saying.
  22. I am relatively confident his contract is guaranteed fully because that's just how it's done in the NBA. If you remember, there was a lot of noise about the Lakers being dysfunctional in this same coaching cycle because they were not willing to give Ty Lue 4 years+ guaranteed as that was the market standard. Plus it has to be factored in that the Cavs had to lure Beilein away from a very good position in Michigan.
  23. I'll take as close to a slam dunk hire for 5-10 years at max who can get our program back into the national conversation and build off our new stadium opening over almost any of the current up comers expected to be on the market this year. You really want to be the one to give Anthony Grant another major conference shot after he failed miserably at Bama?
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