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Everything posted by sugar

  1. And it must be done on departmental auto pilot, because they will fire individuals. 911 took us down, now 911 lifts us up. The FBI is "the resistance".
  2. Right. An in-office prosecution is America's only hope of saving what's left of its democracy & world standing. Fuck Trump & Fuck Congress. If we are a nation of laws, then let's fucking prove it.
  3. Thus, the more leaks the better. So that the public will fervently want to see it. Oh what a reality show it'll be.
  4. They want to and will probably fire Mueller. They're laying the groundwork with office spy, SAR leak, investigation costs, deep state witch-hunt and indictment/subpoena overreach stories to fire him. This is a scumbag dictatorship. He must be prosecuted. They'll double down and steal house & Senate seats with more Russian collusion to shield him from impeachment. Then they'll fanagle a pardon at the end of the rainbow. He MUST be prosecuted while in office, by the entirety of the FBI. The FBI and the DOJ should gear up for war.
  5. dateline Texas: good guy with a gun just shot and killed his entire family. Yay, NRA!
  6. This entire investigation is a countdown to a flip.
  7. Guiliani is bullshitting about the no-indictment decision. He knows Mueller cannot publicly respond, and he's clearly reading between the lines and tea leaves anyway. There is so much more to come out. An indictment will be absolutely required. Also - more babe payoff news to drop as well. An avalanche more of damning criminal slime is poised for public reveal. One or two major transgressions a day. These guys are filthy.
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