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Burnt Ends
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About DanTheHorn

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  1. Welcome to the 40 young man!
  2. Those highlighted words are an oxymoron. That is why you are struggling to understand.
  3. There are no interviews of him posted on youtube from his playing days at least none that I could find. He is sweating and crying in his introductory press conference. Maybe just standard fare and he needs some talking to the press coaching.
  4. Lets add to the hate and bitterness by winning at Pyle. My dream is having Sark yell out in the middle of the 3rd quarter "Hey 3 star we are up by 21 lets show them what you got".
  5. This stuff is what turns of voters that are independent and mostly agree with Bill Maher on cancel culture and woke crap.
  6. Let them be the highly contentious red meat throwing party and go get independents that like hanging out in the middle. Like I said it is a singing to the choir topic. It buys you nothing that you don't already own and can only hurt you. It is my opinion that independents that somewhat oppose or are neutral on an assault weapon ban don't hear assault weapon ban they hear gun ban. You want to throw a little gun control at your base talk about background checks instead.
  7. It has gone from a strongly support of 44% in 2019 to 37% in 2023. It is the type of issue in which she is singing to the choir. She needs to go get independents so focus on what gets her those voters. https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/monmouthpoll_us_042423/
  8. Never figured this one out, some girl in a study group while I was at UT would always crow how her boyfriend was 6 foot. She introduced him to me and the guy was at least two inches shorter then me and all I could say was "He is 6 foot, that is interesting I am only 5' 11''
  9. Fixed based on last few years.
  10. Nebraska use to be one of those traditional places but it reminds me when we got moved to Fridays for the A&M game and just had to take it.
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