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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Ceremony grew on me as it went along, especially as it got dark. I missed the speech part, fortunately. Celine Dion crushed it. The Eiffel Tower looked amazing.
  2. Tiles are 1/4". At the hardware store I only ever see the diamond-edged hole saw bits, which is what I thought I need to go with. Is that correct? And the mounts you linked look pretty much like the ones that came with the shelves.
  3. Is there any specialized anchor that would be sufficient? The shelves are pretty heavy by themselves. I've also struggled to find anchors of adequate depth, as I believe I would need 3/4" for the 1/4" tile + 1/2" drywall(??).
  4. I brought this up briefly earlier, but does anyone have experience hanging floating shelves on a porcelain tile backsplash? I also only have one stud available so would need to use some anchors. The more I research this project, the more confident I feel that I will fuck it up.
  5. I love that Vance probably thought he was a piece of misswallowed Big Mac away from POTUS a few days ago. Now he's looking like a dumbass on the campaign trail and is a failed election away from hopefully dashing any hopes of sniffing the oval office in any capacity.
  6. Make it to the Gulf? They're already here
  7. So you're saying putting all the power of electing statewide officials in the hands of the 7% of Texans who live west of the 35 corridor is a bad thing?
  8. We have way surpassed House of Cards. Veep is less absurd than our current situation. Idiocracy is one choice, but we are reaching South Park levels of nonsensical.
  9. No, it didn't. And of course it does. An elderly narcissist is trying to pretend like he cares about anything other than himself while sprinkling in the hits for his base.
  10. I haven't been paying too close of attention, but Trump's speech has been pretty boring, honestly.
  11. PT Barnum was about 180 years too early. These are the real freaks.
  12. Icono/Macklemore playing the super long con. He's had to say truly despicable things to get us all to buy the bit, but this can no longer be a real person, right?
  13. It's been a minute, but I feel like I took something different from that book. Primarily that social and governmental configurations could be fluid within a society, and that often these "kingdoms" were ruled by someone who often only had the power to directly affect those in their immediate sphere. So people could just kind of move away a bit. Not nearly the level of power one would generally think of with a king. And, at least in the plains tribes, I don't believe chiefs had a whole lot of power to coerce their tribespeople to do anything they didn't want to do l.
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