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  1. I'm sorry did the Big 10 dissolve after FSU and Clemson went to the Big 12? FSU and Clemson would be the 4th and 6th best teams in the Big 10 at best if they joined there and they'll be the undeniable 1 and 2 in the Big XII if they join there. And you expect the Big XII to be the second best conference?
  2. This is dumb as fuck. If you want to curb housing price growth rates, build units at the rate the population grows. Cutting interests rates would massively inflate home prices as dry powder sitting on the sidelines rushes in to buy at low interest rates.
  3. I'll stop making fun of Bill Ackman for being a clown when he gives me the return I ought to have gotten for PSTH merging with Stripe to take them public instead of his regarded attempt to buy a stake in UMG that blew up in his face.
  4. Señor Lampkin was truly the peak of recruiting nonsense. There are things so much more insane in terms of crime and shenanigans, but nothing quite as through the looking glass as failing school to get out of UT and to go to OU
  5. https://xkcd.com/1172/ Hovering over the image shows the alt-text that perfectly sums this up
  6. I'm in Oslo rn and I need Baker to move up his commitment for before I sleep
  7. I feel like this has been said a thousand times. What a recruit says when they mean education and what we think of when we think of education are two very different things. Their focus is on academic support staff and ability to get pushed through the program and wind up with a degree. As much as UT will provide support, UT CS isn’t something you get pushed through or even into all too easily (though I’m sure for a 5* athlete they could look the other way on a couple hundred SAT points). The level of rigor compared to an A&M or LSU or OSU type CS program is night and day. There’s a reason you don’t see the athletes mentioning education go in droves to Georgia Tech and wind up at schools like LSU or A&M. Neither are terrible schools by any means but they’re not what anyone would call great institutions of higher learning outside of their respective states.
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