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  1. Cool cover....and Amanda Shires, damn.
  2. Snotz

    Lynyrd Skynyrd

    This was always one of my favorites. Beautiful song.
  3. CSB: Was fortunate enough to hang out with Bruce Channel and others that were visiting Bum Phillips for one of Bums "pickin' parties" that he had every year at his place in Goliad. Bruce, his wife, Carl Mauck, Bill Bradley, Dan Pastorini among others stayed at my dads ranch across the road. They told the story of Delbert playing harmonica on Bruces "Hey Baby" while touring Britain in 1962 and that John Lennon was there and got some pointers from Delbert after the show. You can hear the influence in "Love Me Do" and others. 60 years is a pretty good run!
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