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Posts posted by Stringer

  1. 1 minute ago, Rickylovesweed said:

    PK won't get much credit for this game but he should.

    Bean has played a lot at QB and this Kansas offense is tough to defend with some of the weapons they have and motion. 14 points and 7 came off a really lucky bounce. Could have been 10 or 7. 

    This Kansas offense can still score on a lot of teams with this QB. 

    From my recollection, Bean was great last year as a fill in.  Maybe he's taken a few steps back, but our D probably has a lot to do with that.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. Heard this tune by Matthew Logan Vasquez on Sun Radio this morning.  It absolutely rips.  Who says rock is dead?  I'm not real familiar with his bands (Delta Spirit, Middle Brother, Glorietta) but I'm buying this release for sure.  Hope the bandcamp link works:
    MLV "Can You Turn Me Up?"

    Those first couple of Delta Spirit albums are fantastic. You should definitely give them a listen. They’re also a really great live band. Middle Brother is a fun little one off album.

    I’ve run into Matthew a few times around town and he is a good dude.
  3. Watching the game, I saw two plays that Burke blew up by just reading the offense properly. I’m sure I missed more. On one, he was on all fours, ready to rush, saw a shift, read that it was a WR screen, stood up and pushed his blocker to the outside, forcing the play inside for a 2 yard gain. The other was a perfect RB screen read.

    He didn’t get a stat on either one, but it plays well in film study. If we can beat the OLine consistently AND properly read and react, the sky is the limit for this group.

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  4. 52 minutes ago, Bartles said:

    Death Cab for Cutie & Postal Service 20th anniversary came through Philly last night (with Warpaint!). Concert of the century for me. Those two albums snatched me out of whatever crap I was listening to around 2001-02. Third Eye Blind might have been my favorite, and that's kinda sad. But the internet had become usable enough to find new, independent music and Postal Service was the first thing I latched onto. Which led me to DCFC and Rilo Kiley. Reminded me of my 80s upbringing.

    I went to the Postal Service 10th anniversary show, which was great, but they stepped it up for year 20. Larger venue, more lights and a more active role for Jenny Lewis. A couple Death Cab guys also joined them at times. The Transatlanticism set was incredible too, songs I hadn't heard live probably since seeing them at the Ridglea in Fort Worth in 2003. I'm so thankful this tour happened.

    I'm not going to be able to catch this tour and I am so bummed since this is almost 100% sure to be the last time Postal Service will be played live.  I did the 10th anniversary show and that was great.  That's awesome that Jenny Lewis is more active this tour.  I am a huge fan of hers/RK.

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