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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by RichUT

  1. Pulisic would make me a very happy Blues fan. Of course an honest to god striker would be even better.
  2. I’ve got a sealed bottled of Black Maple Hill red label. Open to a trade for something similarly special. Also willing to consider selling outright.
  3. Kersh will opt out, as he’d have a much harder time getting one last multi year mega deal at 33 years old vs 31 years old. Especially if stays on the downward trajectory he’s been on over the last couple of years. I am sure the Dodgers will stump up the cash but I think it’ll prove to be a bad investment over time.
  4. Good to see players stepping up with Hazard out. Barkley is going to make it hard to take him off the pitch if his current form holds.
  5. No salary cap, but there is a luxury tax and the Dodgers are always flirting with it. They were in the 50% penalty phase, which is why they dumped a shit load of players for old man Matt Kemp. They got back under it, but not by much. They have a lot of resources, but they can’t stay in the 50% penalty tier in perpetuity.
  6. Look, I get it’s not going to happen. But the reality is that he’s at the point where is isn’t worth what he’s getting paid. He’s a power pitcher on the wrong side of the hill and he’s not going to turn into a guy that can paint the corners all of a sudden. People will argue that LA has to pay to keep him because of everything he’s done for the organization, but it’ll likely be a bad deal that will only hurt the team by tying up dollars in a figurehead instead of investing them in making the club better. If he’s serious about winning a ring he should take less money and let the club bring in more talent.
  7. That fucking dickhead was blowing a bubble while he was running down the line.
  8. Kersh should opt out and take a pay cut. He’s in the twilight of his career and I don’t remember the last season he was healthy. If he wants #1 starter money then he’s a bad investment.
  9. Roberts is total fucking garbage. Madson has been fucking terrible pretty much since we traded for him. Jansen is not a 6 out pitcher, which you think he would have learned fucking yesterday. I am almost certain he’s actively trying to hand this series to his old ball club. Awful.
  10. It’s in damn near every grocery store up here in Seattle. If it’s hard to find in spots it’s probably because people are hoarding because they have heard it’s getting hard to find. Bit of a self fulfilling prophecy in that sense.
  11. Loved that montage of Wood getting bent over this post season. As if us Dodger fans weren’t already aware.
  12. Alex Wood is coming in so this one should be wrapped up shortly.
  13. Kersh gonna pinch hit? Why the fuck not?
  14. Freese is playing first. Bungled that grounder a couple innings back.
  15. Gotta question the decision to pull Baez after he shredded the two previous batters. Roberts still has a tendency to overthink things with shit like that. Wood is not a high leverage kind of guy.
  16. People want to anoint him, like we do any time we have someone that is even a little bit effective. CJ is a beast 1:1, but is not a complete player nor anywhere close to a finished product. He’s not a particularly good route runner, not is he particularly explosive. He doesn’t even try to block on most running or screen passes. He’s a matchup problem at this level vs undersized corners, but he’s no better than a 3rd or 4th round pick if he declares after this year. Not that there is anything wrong with “only” being a third rounder, but people act like he’s already Megatron 2.0 and he’s a good ways away from that at the moment.
  17. Just like Malik, right? Take off the orange tinted glasses. I don’t even think he’d test all that well at the combine. He’s not a guy with a ton of straight line speed.
  18. You guys need to tap the breaks on projecting pro potential. CJ is a physical mismatch, but still very raw as an actual WR. He’d be no higher than a 3rd round pick based on where he is at today. Kid is barely scratching the surface. Now, doesn’t mean he couldn’t still declare as kids make bad decisions all the time. That said, he’s not even close to a slam dunk first rounder.
  19. We’ve underachieved for most of his formative years. All we can do is keep winning and hopefully it changes his mental model. If not, his loss.
  20. You guys are getting sandy vaginas over the Evans comment. You have to be looking for negativity to get up in arms about that. Texas winning was, in fact, unexpected per the oddsmakers. Some of you fuckers wont be happy unless he’s basically singing The Eyes after wins. It’s a post game sound bite 12-18 months before he’s going to commit somewhere. Nothing more, nothing less.
  21. Well, in the state of WA everything just costs more. A bottle with a $30 MSRP ends up costing $40 once you add on the taxes. The shelf price for the KO before those taxes was $160. I ended up passing but was definitely tempted.
  22. Kentucky Owl Rye Batch 1 at roughly $200 due to WA state taxes......worth it?
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