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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by RichUT

  1. I think we gotta see what happens with Sarri first, but that’s a good start.
  2. Well, I came to share my quick thoughts but Mo already did that for me. Not too far off, really. Winning the Europa league is sorta like winning the NIT and so it’s not anything I would typically assign any value to. The fact that it keeps Arsenal out of the UCL last year changes the calculus somewhat, so it was satisfying that we blocked them even though our spot was already secure. I’ll savor that aspect of the win, as I’m not optimistic that there will be a lot to look forward to over the coming months.
  3. How many times did he fuck her after he learned of his real identity? I saw him shoot her down twice, including once after the battle of Winterfell when he was, by his own admission, at least a little drunk. He was raised in the north and incest was not socially acceptable. He obviously struggled with it, and perhaps he could have gotten there with time. That said, he rebuffed her twice and the second time was presented as a turning point for Dany to embrace the use of fear to rule the 7 kingdoms.
  4. In the hands of Benioff and Weiss......pretty much. Jon’s lineage was a poison pill for both sides for different reasons. It made Jon a threat to Dany’s claim to the throne and made Dany un-fuckable for Jon. It also further splintered Dany’s support, which served to make her feel isolated. It feels like it should have been more relevant to the end game, but based on what we were shown that’s what it appears to have been.
  5. As best I tell, it’s what the story needed to prevent the long term union of John and Dany. Without that revelation, their love continues and Dany likely doesn’t turn heel. People wanted it to mean that Jon ended up as King, but all it really served was to ensure that Dany didn’t end up as Queen.
  6. I guess serving the ban would at least save me a year of second guessing the board. So there’s that, which is nice.
  7. God damn, fuck, shit, bitch, cock, balls. This is some got damned bullshit.
  8. Mixed emotions. I’m happy to be back in the UCL, but not excited about year 2 under Sarri. The gulf between the top 2 and our squad is enormous, and I have little faith that the combination of Sarri and our board is capable of closing the gap. Under normal circumstances, this offseason would be critical in terms of addressing the holes in our roster. With the transfer ban and Hazard’s departure looming, it feels like we’re in for a depressing few months of watching our competition get stronger while we stand by. Good times.
  9. So if Chelsea beat Arsenal in the final, what happens to that UCL qualifying spot? Chelsea are already in the UCL next year based on a top 4 EPL finish. Would the 5th place team get in if Chelsea were to prevail against the Gunners?
  10. That’ll do pig. That’ll do.
  11. I won’t complain if Arsenal shit the bed and hand us a UCL bid without having to worry about next weekend. I slept through it, but looks like a great 2nd half performance.
  12. I’m all the way in the “burn it with fire” camp.
  13. Jesus. What a waste of a roster spot Higuain has been. And we don’t even try to score from the corner at the whistle. Makes perfect sense.
  14. They are playing for three and we seem to be playing for one. Let’s see how that turns out.
  15. Higuain is a total non-factor. We’re playing a man down out there with him on the pitch. Meanwhile we are collecting yellow cards like they are Pokemon.
  16. Wow. Fluky as all get out, but we’ll take it. De Gea really made a mess of that.
  17. Higuain’s biggest impact on the match so far has been two offside infractions. In other news, our crossing has been fucking awful.
  18. Mata. Naturally. We’re not looking competitive at all in the early going. United are dominating possession and have a deserved lead.
  19. I really hope the second blue one is legit. I don’t care for collared soccer shirts, so not feeling that white one at all.
  20. I can’t claim that. The wife liked Birdie and I wanted to stick to our Texas themed dog names. I suggested Lady Bird as a compromise. I had honestly forgotten that Hank named their dog that.
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