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Burnt Ends
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  1. RichUT

    Euro 2024

    All things being equal, I’d rather attend the Euro final over the Super Bowl any day. So yeah, I was in heaven. The fact that it counted as a “work trip” was the ultimate cherry on top.
  2. RichUT

    Euro 2024

    Can’t help you there. My tickets were covered by an official event sponsor.
  3. RichUT

    Euro 2024

    I had the opportunity to take in the final in person. It was truly a spectacle and the energy throughout the match was unlike any sporting event I’ve attended. England fans outnumbered Spains by a good 3 or 4 to ratio, but the Spanish section brought the energy all match long. When the final whistle sounded, the vibe from the English section was like someone had just died.
  4. SRF Wagyu. Best thing I’ve ever smoked, and I’ve smoked a ton.
  5. What a stupid fucking take. We have a first ballot HOF head coach that has won five titles, so we're sure as fuck not bringing in Chris Paul because we lack someone capable of teaching teams how to win. At this point I'm just happy at the thought of having someone that can model how to throw lob passes and run the god damn pick and roll at a reasonably high level.
  6. Y'all are tripping. Do you want the Spurs to get better or not? He's going to be a valuable add to the locker room and we' re gonna get way more out of him than he'll get out of us. He's gonnal be super helpful for Castle's long term development and understanding of the game at this level.
  7. It sounds like we’re getting a protected first in fucking 2031 and then there is a pick swap option for 2030. That’s pretty wild. I get having a long term lens but I don’t love that. I know this isn’t a deep draft but this doesn’t feel like the optimal outcome.
  8. I’m down. I like the commitment to D. That’s the right mindset to play for Pop.
  9. They gave Maresca a 5 year deal with an option for a 6th, which I find completely hilarious. I’m sure there are clauses that will let both sides exit early once we’re ready to run him off in 2026.
  10. Fuck. I’d say “unbelievable” but sadly this is very easy to believe. What a fucking beating it’s been following this club as of late.
  11. I picked up one of the higher proof RC16's and it was severely over oaked. I disliked the first pour but came back to it 2 weeks later to give it another shot. I couldn't even finish that pour, and I never pour whiskey down the drain. All I am saying is that YMMV on that one. Given the price point, I'd want much more of a sure thing.
  12. Great job guys. We kept Arsenal off the scoreboard for a good 4 minutes.....
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