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Posts posted by woohorn

  1. What are the easy credit unions to join?

    I know Navy Federal accepts all former military/dod service of grand parents, parents, kids, step-kids, family members, etc.. That's the only one I'm in.

    Any better ones that are broadly available and have good benefits?




    Well, I don't know who the woman on the right circular picture is...but I for one applaud Don, Jr. and his progressivism.  That he fucked a fat, cross-dressing Chris Pine (on the left) is awesome and should be celebrated by the campaign.  




    Damn boy, keep up. The broad is Dayana Mendoza, and she still faf.


  3. Lol. Is someone going around to suburbs offering this plan up?  Texas city just built one and I think a city right north of Houston was talking about one as well 
    Texas city’s 12 acre lagoon - I give it five years before it fails

    How long until the acid rain turns the water grey and rots out the liner?
    Texas City put the goon in lagoon. 
    How long until the urban utes that killed stroworld take this place down too?
  4. I truly hope he pushes physically pushes himself to the limit in the next three weeks with a campaign stop every night leading up to Nov. 3rd.
    I expect him to continue rallies all the way up to Jan 20th (win or lose).
  5. Has anyone seen Jared or Ivanka since the White House infestation started?  Have they already fled the country with Melanie?  There’s a lot of shit to sift through, man.
    Seen 5 days ago with masks on...

  6. I guess you guys don't have a home alarm system that you can turn on/off chimes for doors and windows?
    If not, that would be probably the best option is to get an alarm company to do a free install with a one year contract.
    My code doesn't allow just door "chime" alarm. It has to be a constant "wail" until door is closed again, so my alarm system wasn't adequate.

    I did manage to rig mine on the hinge side of the door so it didn't look so bad, but they still are cheap plastic boxes on the door frame.
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