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Posts posted by woohorn

  1. This is from Textra, but should apply:

    "VERY IMPORTANT: Google are rolling out (most likely a mistake) a change which causes many apps to crash, including Gmail and Textra. It's being reported all over social media.

    So, if Textra is crashing for you, open the Play Store app, search for "Android System WebView" and tap Uninstall. This will force your phone to use the previous WebView version which does not cause the crashing.

    OR if the above is not present, do Android Settings > Apps > Chrome > Uninstall Updates."

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  2. Still true even though Fair Park seems to have transitioned from local to FEMA control?
    Should I just start loitering around Fair Park?
    Loitering around Fair Park is always a great idea, even before COVID.

    Yes, there were tons of FEMA, tons of Nat Guards, and tons of volunteers. I think it has more to do with the fact that they are only doing 2nd shots-not that FEMA moved in. Once Biden comes through with more 1st shot doses, it will be a better scene for volunteering.
    • Hook 'Em 1

    Any idea how to sign up for this? Have a family member that wants the vaccine badly because he's in a job that has high contact with the public, but has moral qualms with using my channels to get his shot. This might be a great compromise for him.

    What city?

    I don't know how you not 1A 1B types are gettting scheduled.
    In Dallas County,  everyone in my family is signed up with DCHHS, and only the olds have gotten appointments/injections and are now fully vaccinated.
    Every resource I attempt (pharmacies, clinics, etc.) indicates either no availability, or getting past that, representation of 1A or 1B.
    I'm not going to misrepresent my status to get a shot...

    Dallas County allows volunteers to get one (if available) after 15 hours...

    I’m sure volunteering at vaccination site - Kelly reeves stadium in this case - was  discussed up thread but hoping someone could share some knowledge. Friend is scheduled to perform “data entry” later this week with the hope there will be leftover shots at the end of the day. Friend  is not yet eligible to get shot and is struggling with the guilt of jumping the line so to speak but has elderly family overseas and wants to get vaccinated ASAP for travel purposes in the event there is a family emergency etc.  Is this a realistic way to get the vaccine? 

    Dallas County allows volunteers to get one (if available) after 15 hours, but last Sat they had over 100 extra doses so all volunteers got one regardless of hours AND tens of YOUNG randos off the street who were tipped off also got one.

    Everyone I know who has put in 15 hours has gotten one. I know some who got it after 5 last Sat (they promise to do their addl. 10 hours though, I swear).

    Pretty reliable way to get one on Dallas if you are so inclined. I can give more deets on the DL if anyone is seriously interested in working at Fair Park.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. Pool is set to run 24/7 in freezing temps, but our first power outage was long enough to freeze pipes/pump. I didn't think to kill breaker and once power returned, I think the pump burned out. Hard to believe there isn't some failsafe for a modern pump to stop if water is frozen, but it looks and smells fried. Pulled heater, polaris, pump, and filter drain plugs for when it thaws, but I haven't even looked at skimmers or tile line yet.

  5. Worried about prolonged deep freeze in Zone 8a. Haven't had freeze problems for years, but pittosporums died in a bad freeze 8 or so years back, so I'll cover and maybe heat them with Christmas bulbs.

    Four straight days of freezing temps and high of 17 predicted Monday.

    Should I worry about established encore azaleas or pinkie dwarf indian hawthorns beyond heavily mulching?

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