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Posts posted by woohorn

  1. At least there are a TON of commercials.

    Jalen is terrible on the radio. Idk what made anyone think he would do better in this format.

    Golic n wingo is weak too (too little sports). I wonder if Fox has a morning show.

  2. But you can already do that....
    It is a pretty big pain to fund an offshore book. You gotta get recipient info for some Filipino flunkie and moneygram through Walmart/cvs/etc. Systems are down a lot and those store employees suck. It is pretty ghetto shit for most of us gringos, but I can't imagine not having the electronic interface (monitoring line changes, teasing, parlays, last minute bets), so Benny the bookie is a no go for me.

    I can see the allure of a coinstar type kiosk at the HEB.

  3. no sense wishing harm upon her.

    "PEOPLE TELL ME SOME ARE SAYING" it has something to do with karma or punishment for enabling drumpf. "I AM ALSO HEARING THAT OTHERS ARE SAYING" she made all of those birther comments, so she's not so innocent.

  4. Certainly the Trumps have the means to have around the clock care at home, and I would have to imagine that would be her preference over staying in a hospital room.

    Melanija apparently lives with the Knavs, not the drumpfs. Also, the whole point of the unnecessary stay is to avoid drumpf until after he leaves for Florida Friday afternoon.

    I think it's far more likely that the kidney condition is less "benign" than indicated

    Nah, her office wants sympathy for her and WH wants distractions. ZERO reason to downplay severity, EXCEPT that drumpf was out golfing during "procedure".
  5. Where does dog like to jam instead (under bed, table, etc.)?

    I would take those away at night by blocking them with a box or briefcase until the crate is higher on the list.

    If dog likes "caves" you could put a towel over top of crate to cover the mesh.

    Finally, use a routine. Our dog won't settle in for the night until I am in bed with lights out. Maybe "go to bed" before you get dog to go into crate.

  6. My att branded g6 (nougat/7.0) has a "wifi-calling" toggle setting and that icon could be similar. I keep it off b/c I thought it dropped wifi initiated calls when you leave wifi and I figure it is att bloatware, but don't know for sure.

  7. Clients "own" "their" documents and files. They effectively "paid" for them, even if bills remain outstanding or it is a contingency case. Those documents should transfer completely to new counsel.


    The exceptions are for things like attorney notes, untransmitted drafts, and background forms the attorney used to produce a client's docs.



  8. Anyone mention the Melania q that came up during the briefing today?

    Someone asked about rumor that Melania lives with her parents in suburbia instead of at the White House. Haven't seen it reported before.

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