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Posts posted by woohorn

  1. Is "Be Best" actually supposed to be broken English, or is there some other sense to it that I'm missing? 
    Read (on Twitter) that Michelle's was "be better", but IDK if true. One upping Obama's title would be funny.

    Bwoken Engrish was my first thought too, although for Mel it would be "be duh best".
  2. Melania strikes again:

    "The *new* White House “Talking with Kids about Being Online" booklet hyped as "a booklet by First Lady Melania Trump and the Federal Trade Commission" is almost identical to a booklet released by the Obama admin"

    • Like 2
  3. Damn, Giuliani is a media whore.

    I realize that he is only outside counsel, but at this point, the president is talking to his outside counsel more than his own cabinet, so Rudy is influential. He's a putz, though and I'll bet he doesn't make it to the end of the May.

  4. Refill every couple of weeks in the summer. Depends on how much sun pool gets.


    There is an easy bucket test from tfp to check for leaks-

    1) put bucket on top step and fill bucket to the same level as pool water comes up to the outside of bucket


    2) check in a few days to see how much "pure" evaporation there was in bucket vs pool water lost (evaporation + may also include leaks).


    3) ???


    4) profit

  5. 41 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    I thought it was a crack at how she forces reporters to play little games.  Like when she made everyone say what they were thankful for before they could ask a question.  

    I think some of these outraged takes say more about the person who is making these offensive interpretations. 

    Of course. The whole thankful game that one time. Maybe Wolf is just smarter than everyone else. You could pen denials for Joy Ann Reid.


    I agree about comedy being in eyes of beholder. I thought the butch dyke softball voice/joke was pretty funny.

  6. So many Qs:

    Has it effectively been co-ed recently because it is so empty? It was a male dorm historically, but I remember a few years at least where it was co-ed. I knew a girl who had to "fake" a pregnancy to get out of her lease once she saw what a dump it was.

    12.5 rooms on 7 floors is 175 residents/double occupancy, so the 80 residents listed in the paper is pretty light utilization.

    The long time manager listed in the article was a pretty nice dude, but he went to UT law. Is the legal market THAT bad in Austin?

    I remember they were planning on adding meal/service at one time in the space above quackenbush's (that instead became quackenboxes).

  7. On 4/21/2018 at 11:14 AM, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    And how did they accomplish this?  The shot off ICBMs until we capitulated.  This sends the wrong message to any would be third world nuclear power.

    Don't forget that they tortured Otto Warmbier for 17 months before murdering him less than 10 months ago.

    I can't wait to see what Venezuela has planned for its upcomming restoration of US ties.


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