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Posts posted by woohorn

  1. But now that Pompeo faces a tough confirmation process to become secretary of state himself, he has reached out to Clinton and Kerry, as well as every other living occupant of the office, to ask for guidance. Clinton, for one, has been willing to help.

    Didn't hilldog get great email/server advice from powell back in the day? What could go wrong?




  2. In ancient Rome, of course, the "thumbs down" meant that the combatant was worth more to spare (crowd favorite), so the gesture was akin to "throw your sword down" and the life was spared.  The "thumbs up", although the Latin isn't real clear about this, is generally thought to mean that they should thrust the sword up to the heart and be rid of the combatant.

    So, you want to keep the guy around.

    I bet a lot of you didn't know that.  About Rome.  And thumbs.  And death.  And whether they sold beer in the Colosseum.  
    Edit: This got fucked up because some French guy fucked it up in a painting in 1872.  The French...
    Wait, so aggy is really booing?
  3. You are making that one up, right?
    Squirrel hate is strong here too:

    "A Sad Story
    For the last three weeks a mother-to-be Blue Jay was working diligently to build her nest in a safe place. She selected the top part of one of our ligustrum bushes outside our dining room bay window. It was a very thickly area with twigs and branches all about. She labored to get all those nest parts inside, which took a monumental effort. Due to its location we were able to follow her progress. Finally, she laid her eggs and sat on them for days on end. Sometime between last Friday and Saturday, her eggs hatched. She didn’t mind us looking through at her and it looked like she had three chicks. Around 2:00 on Sunday, she left to get food, or whatever and my wife saw a squirrel hovered over the nest. She ran out to shoo him off but, alas, the damage was done. When mother bird returned she frantically searched all over for her family. She looked in the bushes and the ground but they were gone. By Sunday evening, I think she realized her babies met with tragedy and so she never came back.

    After all the work and expectations of mother Blue Jay in one split second, her whole family was wiped out. Motherhood came to abrupt end. I didn’t think squirrels ate birds but believe me….they do."
  4. Minimal amount of salt in the water helps keep the algae from growing, minimizing the amount of chemicals needed to keep the water clear. Chlorine is still needed but not in the amounts as a non-salt water pool. The amount of salt is not even noticeable to the swimmers. 
    None of this is correct. Salt "conditions/softens" water a bit (Hey, Culligan man) but is used in pools with an electric chlorine generator cell that turns salt into chlorine through electrolysis. Just an alternative method of supplying chlorine to a pool. Certainly sold as a advantage in brochures for luxury homes, but you know that the fat fuck never got out of the pool to pee or could even reach his fat ass to wipe, so any sanitizing capability of any chlorine system would be overwhelmed in this case.
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