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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by thunderlounge

  1. 5 minutes ago, immamac said:

    half of the potential market for surly is not turned off/away/leaving/gone/whatever the fuck it is you are insinuating because of cloak room and the general discussion which is similar everywhere, not just on surly. 

    True. At least it’s mostly contained here, with some leaks. Other boards do similar, but ones that don’t tend to end up with a shitfest.

    It’s not like Surly itself is endorsing anything, or anyone, in the political realm. Surly’s position is “we love the longhorns.” That’s it. (Well, we can’t forget tits.) Any users opinion is just that; a users opinion.

    I stay out of there, easy enough to do.


    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, futureman said:

    no way.  she’s got a black forest down there

    See, that’s what I thought too. Just figured if she was already waxing her upper lip, maybe she went a little further south. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, immamac said:

    always a thing or just today? what is that aspect ratio? what device?

    Longer than I can remember, ios, safari, either aspect. 

    I think Mac/FF is that way too, but I’ll double check after bit. 

  4. 1 hour ago, statsman said:

    Although, I do understand why the M2 teams want revenue sharing with the P2 and salary caps. 

    Of course, it’s easy to see. They can’t make money themselves, and need to tag along with those who can and do.

    Those outside wondering why other bottom feeders could potentially stay, who knows? Maybe it isn’t just a conference merger. Maybe teams leave their conference and join the new league. At that point, absolutely pick off the really bad b1g/sec teams and pick up some better names/numbers. Either way, the big dogs still need some bottom feeders to pad their records. All to satisfy the plebs with more wins at the top.  “Better” records, better ratings,  etc. 

  5. Just the same shit we beat to death a week or so ago.

    This is nothing but a “gonna be left behind” group trying to force their way in.

    For non-rev sports, maybe. But definitely not football, or basketball, and pretty sure not baseball either.

    When revenue sports cannot make the money they need to, non-rev sports fall behind. This proposal would lead to a lot of the non-rev sports falling away. Why? Because of cutting their nose to spite their face, and severely weakening the revenue products.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 3 hours ago, crash_davis said:

    I think he wants the perverse sum of money from LIV thinking/hoping there will be a merger in the future and all will be forgiven. 

    When Rahm jumped, this was what I was thinking as to “why.”

    “Steal” the saudi money, end up back on tour. I’m not sure if Rahm thought he would ever tee it up there, honestly. Bit that was when the merger had broke and it looked to be imminent.

  7. Well this is going just lovely. /sarcasm

    Floor install started yesterday, and stopped. 

    Long story, but it’s going to take raising the LR floor to the kitchen height, then leveling compound, and some other crap. Plus the floor wasn’t joining tight in several places, so they took up the 6 boxes already laid and bailed. They’re working on getting some osb to raise the LR floor up to the kitchen (had ceramic tile under the laminate, carpet in LR) and are also switching out the flooring lot.

    Of course that issue could be/probably was unleveled floors, but they started in the wrong direction anyway, so I’m going to bite my tongue on that. Worst case is they replace the 6 boxes already used, since they probably weren’t careful taking it up anyway. Either way they’re changing direction and going end to end (across the joists) instead of front to back.

    Probably adds another 600-700. 🙄


    Projector comes in Thursday, screen on Friday. Cabinet ships on Friday for the second time. First time wires got crossed between seller and manufacturer, and they somehow sent me a Leon center channel instead of a salamander cabinet. Not bueno. Took some leg work, but the company did a great job to solve the problem.

    If anyone needs audio stuff, give Audio Advice out of Raleigh a spin, they’re great peeps.

    So contractor hell for a bit, and a delay, but they’ll have to deal with it, as do I. Guess there’s going to be an A/V cabinet (still boxed) for them to also move around when they come back. 

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