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Certifiably Surly
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  1. https://fortune.com/2024/07/26/general-motors-honda-and-hyundai-are-accused-of-inappropriately-selling-customer-data/ Snippet:
  2. Looking long term, I’ll have a dozen or so cameras, a good sized home assistant setup, local and remote backups, local streaming, etc. Overall, a bit much, but it’ll all be 10G internal backbone, and 2.5G for each wired run. So for me, there will be a lot of internal bandwidth needed, so might as well have some overhead for later and unplanned things that pop up. plus: toy factor
  3. Playing with the new router, and decided to spruce up the guest portal screen. Before: After:
  4. Oh, so save the best ideas for yourself so you look helpful. I see how it is. Just for that, I'll be using coupon codes. So there.
  5. Here I was, having a decent afternoon, and then you had to go and mention dBase. Boooooooooooooooo!
  6. Probably better that way. Don’t need to see dicks flipped out on tv. Me too.
  7. That thought has crossed my mind.
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