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Certifiably Surly
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  1. I’d have bought a smoker, and gave em a real treat and at an increased frequency.
  2. I’m looking forward to it myself. Then again, I’ll be at the K.
  3. Riding in my wife’s car right now. Hits close to home. Damn thing is like a small church: no ballroom. Bout need a crane to get off the ground and out of it too.
  4. And call it transitional time so they can take their time to find the right fit.
  5. I thought about something like this for off-grid, then figured one of those aussie backwoods off-grid trailer would be better. Originally saw it mentioned on TOS, and couldn’t remember what it was. Then other things came up and that was that.
  6. This shit right here. The bigger, the better. Especially if light on counter space.
  7. If selling is your goal, don’t do anything that you won’t fully recoup from the sale. Nice and clean, nothing over the top. The buyers are going to redo a lot anyway most likely.
  8. There’s a great bbq out back. Don’t touch it.
  9. It don’t make a shit how many CRA movies they make, she’ll forever be: Captain.
  10. Or scheduling the people they wanted. Yeoh is a busy, busy woman.
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