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Everything posted by Doze

  1. Doze

    Super Bowl LIII

    157 year old Gladys Knight is singing the National Anthem.....was Dionne Warwick not available or something?
  2. This belongs in the shart thread.
  3. This looks old & probably posted before.....but had never seent it.
  4. .....and if it weren't for you meddling kids, I would have gotten away with it.
  5. But the Boeing 737 remains basically unchanged since 1967.....did the aliens leave in 1967?
  6. He/she is smoking a cigarette and cigarettes are known carcinogenics.
  7. 2nd amendment shagsters just see a gun.
  8. Handicap people are assholes in general.
  9. She could carry all of his oranges with those feets...
  10. Did you notice if HEB was open?
  11. I'm happy for coach Bro....got fired into a promotion. and that Holly Sonders is a....hot....piece....of.....arse.
  12. The pole dancing pile driver did not make me LOL.
  13. (Vic) Some on here might appreciate this (Vic) ‘Plus Size’ Model Eats 6 Kilos Of Nutella A MONTH To Get World’s Biggest Butt http://www.gosocial.co/plus-size-model-eats-6-kilos-of-nutella-a-month-to-get-worlds-biggest-butt/?fbclid=IwAR2MDwks-m_CdcM9ZSN7qCVzTZAcIIG9G1Icvjs23s28WTVk-Os58aF0tTo
  14. Probably been posted before, but DGAF........Surly Shagster's wheelhouse right here.
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