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Everything posted by Doze

  1. But it's the GGGGGRRRRRAAANDADDY of the them all. You know this because they fucking say it one million times every year.
  2. I think he's done pretty good considering that he had to overcome that whole "child sodomy" stigma at his job.
  3. Does either one of these boring ass teams have a Roller Coaster?
  4. Washington should have brought their PAC10 officials......they might stand a chance with them.
  5. Chaka Chan was the Rose Bowl grand marshall? Was Tone Loc not available?
  6. Herbie will have to talk shit about his Buckeye alma mater to press the ESPN SEC agenda....
  7. Probably celebrating getting paid!
  8. LSU getting their ass handed to them.
  9. Damn, LSU sounds like the 1980's Sooners.
  10. This hits close to home right now...probably losing weight 'cause you don't feel like eating.
  11. There's a tacklebox joke in there somewhere.
  12. Holgy getting the $20M deal.......You would think he can afford a stylist, or at least a friend could let him know.
  13. Looks like OKState's OC has been fired or quit or whatever......anyway, he's suppose to be going to Tenn.
  14. Texas A&M rollercoaster? What's next for ESPN.....Dicks, dicks everywhere!
  15. Regardless of Texas A&M......Jimbo has a very punchable face.
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