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Everything posted by Doze

  1. Has anybody ever seen Holly Rowe and Miss Piggy at the same time? Just askin'
  2. I agree. Clempson didn't exactly play "murder's row" on their schedule.
  3. Only for SEC and Notre Dame.....Errrybody else does
  4. Do you even lift bro?....I mean m'am?
  5. Maybe should wear this shirt to clarify.
  6. It wasn't just the tip....it wasn't just for a second....and it wasn't just to see what it feels like.
  7. Doze

    Christmas loot 2018

    Is HEB open and this:
  8. Along the same lines.... Mrs Doze could do this & opted for more CC's (no pics).
  9. No food pic, but very relevant to the spirit of this thread.
  10. Should cross post in Vic's friends food thread?
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