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  1. I think you have it sort of backwards. The cheap Mavics and "basic radioshack shit" are blowing up infantry and non armored vehicles, not armor (for the most part). The proliferation of these cheap weapons is why Ukraine keeps asking for more armor.
  2. I thought I heard lots of reports of Ukrainian soldiers praising the armor on the Bradleys, saving many lives from artillery and drone strikes
  3. Women like the idea of voting for a woman, but when an actual candidate is out there they start to nitpick her and end up voting for a man. I thought E. Warren was a great candidate last time, and was floored by how many women I talked to were dogging her -- more or less for stylistic rather than policy reasons. Wake up sheeple
  4. I searched here but couldn't find anything on Kristin Hook. Does she have any chance against Roy in TX-21?
  5. tie some christmas trees to those cinder blocks and you'll be cooking with gas!
  6. You could look into a conventional fishing charter. Still a super fun day on the water while eliminating issues like the fly fishing learning curve and 3-on-the-boat
  7. A much better bet would be to chase bones in the bahamas. I love the keys but it is p.h.d. level fly fishing. Islamorada is sort of a tarpon capitol, and nowhere in the keys are the bones plentiful enough for beginners.
  8. I have followed the war closely since '22 so I remember most/all of these events and battles, but holy shit that the same elite team was involved in so many of them. Legendary
  9. This here. Too many far right transplants moving in, and the state gop has had control too long. Those things combining with other factors and Texas is losing its uniqueness/independent spirit
  10. Yep, symbolically costing Russia billions of dollars and leading to symbolic fuel shortages . . .
  11. This is how numb we have become to the shitstain. Accused of raping a 13 year old and not a single comment about it. Instead we are discussing how a 3rd party Qanon candidate will affect the election. Is the MSM talking about the rape suit?
  12. Seems like this is from "sources"? I'll be interested to see if Sullivan or anyone denies this
  13. I refuse to believe this for now. It doesn't seem to make sense and would be classic russian disinfo. But fuck me if true Maybe should go in the CR thread . . .
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