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Everything posted by orangecat92

  1. yeah, that pretty much seals it. We win by 2. Also, foul discrepancy. what? We're supposed to be the home team, right?
  2. just looked at the internet, first time in a few hours. Horns up by 10 when I check in. 53 points in a half!? What in the world? Let's see if the team holds on. I see no reason they should blow a 10 point lead. They're just getting warmed up after practicing what once? Practice? Who needs practice? We're talking about practice? Prediction - We win, by 2, and that is enough.
  3. I was considering a job in Ketchikan Alaska. I live in Alaska, but the car hangs out in San Antonio. I was thinking about driving the car to Washington, and then putting it on the ferry to Ketchikan. Unfortunately, you've got to really, really want to do the ferry thing. One person plus the small car takes 38 hours and costs $1300+. I am not taking the job. Ketchikan economy is very expensive.
  4. small car, with wife, don't care for beaches or mountains. Motels. This summer. possibly. maybe not at all.
  5. So Shaka is saved last year by COVID and this year to COVID and storm of the century? With all the games being cancelled, he literally cannot fuck this up bad enough to warrant non renewal. He is back next year....so what saves him next tear? I want some of what he’s got, wow!
  6. Did your dad ride with the team after games? Supposedly, in Mike's recovery, and we're talking probably two years later, the team bus would ride back from wherever and Mike would occasionally be trying to get his leg comfortable and would shriek in pain. There should be a book written about the season and Mike's recovery. Mike should write the book. Incredible comeback story that took waaay too long to recover, but he did. I don't remember if he ever started again, because the damage was so great.
  7. I lived in McKinney at the time. Either this year or the year before, probably the year before, one of the sports radio stations stayed up with the post-game show all night long, when the Rangers won the pennant. I couldn't believe the station stayed on the air all night long. With the talent on the team, winning a world series was going to happen. It had to happen..until it didn't. The Nolan Ryan aura, the nuns in the stands who were lifetime fans, Arlington so bitter about the JerryWorld thing. It was destined to happen.
  8. When I was working for Luby's in El Paso in the late 1990s Bob Lilly came to the cafeteria - special guest for an organization - they had a meal, etc. I walked up to him - apologized for asking the question - and then asked about the helmet throw. He was not bitter at all, said he gets asked about it frequently. He had no idea how far it went. I had to ask since I was a little young to see it live. I was 7 in 1971.
  9. If Dodds reached out as Fred was fading, he would have been a smart man. Jimmy had already won the 1983 nc, and was a super hot commodity. The great thing about the situation was everybody knew Fred was dead man walking for 2 years so DD had plenty of time to get DKRs blessing for hiring JJ. Being from Port Arthur, JJ could have gotten Texas hs coaches behind him. my conclusion is DKR must have said no, or DD did not have the confidence to pull the trigger. He only had 5 years as AD at Texas in 1986.
  10. About what? Making it through the first weekend, which I think all of us believe this team is capable ? Hell no. winning one tourney game against a lower seeded team? Yes, maybe. Its so sad how low our expectations have gone, given the talent on the team. How many future nba starters are on the team? 2? Do they even start and play strong throughout the games? Are they even slightly tired from their effort? What will our record be, last 10? 5 and 5 at best? I still have us 3 and 7. Where is the optimism coming from?
  11. Is Shaka last coach from Patterson regime? i had today as a win, but not a wake up, dominate late game win. If we finish 3 and 7 before conference tourney, as I predict, how is Shaka perceived nationally? Does he still get a pass, every year, forever, until he has a losing season? Only way Shaka leaves imo is losing record, or his decision, once he understands there is no extension coming. Someone wants to hire him right now, and Texas needs to facilitate that action.
  12. Well I missed that line...congratulations on waking up late in the game. I won’t be satisfied until this team plays with Kansas like intensity for at least 30 minutes....is that too much to ask? Who is that on? Obviously Shaka.
  13. Correct, and one or two buckets by tcu is all it takes.
  14. Way too early to call. Subs will go in at 2 minutes...unless Shaka wants momentum?
  15. Finally, the ten point lead I called for.
  16. Jones is effectively done. Tcu almost in double bonus...game comes down to the Brock factor.
  17. This is where we take control. 10 point lead incoming
  18. Where are we without Brock? 4 - 0 run.
  19. Was that the good half I called for? Can’t tell.
  20. Travis Mays....king of the jump stop. Where is he coaching? Get him in here to teach some fundamentals.
  21. You and me both told them. Shaka needs to send some dollars.
  22. If we came out from the jump ball with this focus we would be ahead by 20.
  23. Attn. Texas basketball team...it is official, dunks are better than 3 pointers.
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