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Posts posted by CoTex

  1. I think there is an argument to be made that, at least as to recruiting, FSU's whiny reaction will harm them.

    Option A - "injuries are part of football, if we had been 100% we would be in but we're not.  I feel sorry for these kids who did their best.  I will do everything in my power to get us in the CFP next year, we've proven we're close."

    Option B - "we got treated unfairly and it's not fair, the SEC/Big10 schools are treated better."

    If I'm a 'croot, I don't want to go to the school that's going to get cheated.  i think I would change my narrative asap.

  2. I guess the question is, are we looking at something sustainable or a Jimbo flash in the pan.  If we think Sark can continue to deliver (gonna be harder to win the conference going forward... bigger conference and arguably tougher conference), we do whatever it takes.  If we think Sark is a good solid coach but most of our success comes from NIL, good batch of players, we're Texas, etc. (history shows that aint enough IMO), then be tight.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

    Against North Alabama's stout run defense? Bold strategy, Cotton.

    I've got an idea, just spitballing here, tell me if this connects:

    "Coach, how about next time you're number 4 in the nation and cupcake week comes around, you don't pound your "Heisman candidate" (ESPN's words not mine) quarterback into the other team's linebackers?"

    Florida State's Jordan Travis has turned himself into a Heisman candidate after getting booed off the field - ESPN

    • Haha 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

    What was his completion percentage though?

    I can't count that high, but I can count to 7

    Trey Benson - RB

    Lawrance Toafili - RB

    CJ Campbell, Jr. - RB

    Caziah Holmes - RB

    Samuel Singleton, Jr. - RB

    Rodney Hill - RB

    Demetric Stephens - RB

    7 running backs on the FSU roster who would have willingly taken the handoff and run into harm's way, so the qb didn't have to.  Coach Norvell, I would be pissed off also, pissed off at the man in the mirror.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. I have done some stupid things in my life, and then had to live with the consequences.  It really sucked, each time.



    To the person who decided it was a good idea to run your quarterback out of the pocket and upfield, for some yards, IN THE FIRST QUARTER OF THE GAME, while ranked 4 in the nation, and playing North Alabama, I feel you.  That decision was stupid and your consequence is your qb broke his leg.



    Footnote: your "playoff caliber team" was trailing North Alabama 13-squadooch, at home, at the time you made that decision.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  6. They’re pretty near the first down marker.  Maybe 3 yards short.  They don’t know that because they’re not looking at the sticks but they know they’re close.  General awareness.


    they have to close the distance rapidly to stop the first down, so haul ass super fast and then, at the last second…

    qb can fight or quit and they have to respond accordingly.

    I think it’s bullshit.  Qb has a concussion because qb ran out into a grown ass man’s game.  He fucked around and found out.  Oh, and refs then rewarded his team with 15 yards.  

    We want to disincentivize these things but they have incentivized the qb to basically play chicken.

  7. I personally believe that, if the qb passes the line of scrimmage becoming a runner and no longer a passer, he(she) should sack the fuck up and fight.  "I'm going to run until I realize these big angry football players are on my ass and then I can just call quitsies..." is no way to run a sport like football.  You get stuff like this - defender has to recognize a surrendering player and change his strategy, at full speed, in about .6 seconds.  

    I understand what the rule is, and why, but I'm just saying that the bullshit surrender/targeting policies caused this concussion.  QB can pass, can run, or whatever, but if he decides to run he gonna get tackled and likely by someone that makes tackles hurt.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  8. I went to a party once that was thrown by some girl whose parents were out of town.  I'm sure it was initially intended as a small get=together but by the time I arrived there were hooligans poppin' bottles out of the parents wine stash.  Lotsa bottles.  

    I stayed less than one hour but lingered long enough to witness a young man retrieve a stuffed blue crab from the freezer, and then throw it like a ninja throwing star into a wall.  The thing was this was a tall wall in an area of the home with 15-20 foot ceilings.  The crab disappointed and did not stick but it did leave damage.

    So, I think you're good.  As long as they're over about 12, what could possibly go wrong?

    • Haha 1
  9. 5 hours ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

    Tcu's biggest game ever pre-big 12 was the rosebowl, which drew 11.3 share, and was the 4th lowest rose bowl ratings of the last 20 years. Just about the only major football game in recent memory with lower ratings was the georgia-tcu title game, which drew an 4 share.


    Seems like a "tcu just fine" is like a "rhode island 10."

    This may be a double whammy for TCU with their conference going to mediocrity and SMU buying their way into the ACC.  TCU gots long term problems.

  10. 32 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    Yormark is nothing like previous Big 12 leadership.  Other than he pissed off Texas fans.  Prior to his comments about the UT/TTU game, people on this board were constantly posting shit like "where was this guy when we were still in the league?".

    It is not possible for the Big 12 to achieve the same financial ends as the SEC and the Big 10.  It is a complete and utter waste of time for the new Big 12 to think that way and try to position themselves as such.  He's aggressively positioning the league to be the best of what's left, and has the schools within rowing together in that direction.  A lot of the shit he does looks ridiculous, but his job is to maximize value and keep the league afloat and he's crushing it on that end.  I don't like his demeanor, or some of the things he's done, but it's a necessary evil in the current landscape of college sports.

    I understand why people here don't like him, but he's nothing like Dan Beebe or Bob Bowlsby in any way, shape, or form.

    Catchy slogan - "Big 12, we're the best of what's left."

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  11. 19 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:


    Shit man, that was the standard at least in Dallas at places like the OG downtown El Fenix or even the Lakewood El Chico where a bunch of Cuellar family members worked in the 70s-80's. 

    I figured as much.  Dallas may sound like "Alice," but the similarities end there.

    • Haha 2
  12. 28 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:


    where’d you grow up Richie Rich ?


    richie rich 80's cartoons GIF by MANGOTEETH

    I have experienced the sherbert treatment but I remember it as orange or lime.  It was a pinche scoop but nobody cared because we were full of cheese enchiladas.

    I'm tempted to go into an on the border and fire the waitstaff around to see if I can recreate Texzilla's experience.  "I'm going to need a pitcher of salsa, butter, 6 corn tortillas, ice water, sweet tea, some pineapple juice, some red food coloring, jalapenos, onions, carrots, and don't forget the chips.  Please bring that out while I peruse the menu."

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  13. That table with the advertisements on it reminds me of my childhood.  

    First Mexican food I remember is my grandmother taking me to Monterey house in Corpus and feeding me cheese enchiladas.  They would hide pralines in the basket of chips like some sort of kids Easter egg hunt.

    I don’t remember it being particularly good food but it got me started and I’ll never change.

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  14. 24 minutes ago, Orange&White said:

    Occam's razor says that Kiffin has no interest in the job and is just dropping hints that he does for future goodwill/potential raise from his current employer.

    I believe the same precept would lead us to the conclusion that, for the right amount of money, Kiffin would come pull weeds in my front yard wearing a pink bunny suit.  Don't believe me?


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