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Posts posted by CoTex

  1. Went to Brad Paisley at HLSR yesterday.

    Same thing - went in a casual observer and left a fan.

    He can play, and he gave a kid in the crowd a telecaster.

    Just a lighthearted fun afternoon.  Grab a beer, watch some rodeo, watch Brad Paisley do his thing, home early.  Kids had a blast.

    Reminded me that music doesn’t have to be deep.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 40 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    How’s the new map and chapter? I haven’t had a chance to even log on and play since it flipped 

    Same shit, different characters.


    I don’t really get into the storyline. I just like to shoot.

    • Like 1
  3. What is the event that changes the public mood on the pit bull type dogs?

    Obviously it’s not human deaths.  We’ve had plenty.

    I bet if one of those dogs bit Taylor Swift or a Kardashian that would get some attention.  


  4. 18 hours ago, Exposition said:

    Also complicating things is that this happened at night. During the day it very well could have been survivable since the pilot would be able to see more options like fields, roads, and avoid powerlines, etc. You don't have that luxury at night. 

    In a city it’s not like the black abyss.  Streetlights, etc, right?  When I land at commercial airports I can see a lot of shit just based off city background lighting.


    And if you’re coming down uncontrolled anyway, is a power line that great of a concern?  It’s going to snap and fuck something up but it’s not going to electrocute anyone.  Needs ground for that right?  

    I understand that in controlled flight power lines are bad but if I’m crashing anyway I’m worried about immovable objects first, right? 

    im not saying crashing in the dark is ideal but … just find a road bro.

  5. 3 hours ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    Not in a true ranked order but all ones I'll watch anytime:

    1. Bad News Bears (original)

    2. Major League and Bull Durham

    3. Breaking Away

    4. Slap Shot

    5. Moneyball

    Also hard to leave off: Hoosiers, The Sandlot, The Replacements, A League of Their Own, Rocky, Ford vs. Ferrari (finally saw this and loved it), Bend It Like Beckham, Chariots of Fire, McFarland USA, Cinderella Man. I may have gone a little overboard cause I can think of a lot I really like.

    25 posts before any mention of Chariots of Fire?


    • Hook 'Em 2
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  6. News said he radio reported that the engine quit - couldn’t make the airport.

    What’s the stall speed on that plane? Under 100?

    just line it up on a road and land that sumbitch.  I’m sure any one of us could do it.

  7. Anybody got any educated speculation about that Nashville crash?

    Everyone died.  I could go crash my wife’s SUV at 80 with 5 people in it and I doubt we would all die.  No airbags in a plane?  Where’s Ralph Nader on this one?

    Why does a single engine plane with power loss hit the ground so hard?  I thought in a power loss you tried to glide that thing down - land it on a road somewhere.

    If you lose power at 1600 feet (that’s what I got from the news article) - how far can you glide?  I’m guessing you pull some Maverick move where you go into a dive to get the speed up and then pull up at the last second and buzz the tower?  That’s probably not how they teach it at school but…

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    If you are choosing based on performance of their respective part of the song- I don’t know how you can exclude Dionne Warwick from the top group, let alone the honorable mention group. 

    I guess it wasn’t her fault that the sound guy couldn’t get her ear cans right, but they wasted some time on that. 

    Add her and Ray Charles to my running list but pretty sure both would be dead weight on my island.

  9. 1 hour ago, Deej said:

    One of the biggest assholes in the business. Pass. 

    Spoiler alert:


    My experience is limited to watching the show.

    After a lot of bullshit and time wasting - some of it necessary and some not so much - they get to blond guy and Steve Perry who deliver the goods.

    First take, one take.  

    Zero b.s. out of those two. 

    He may be an asshole but that night he was all bidness.

  10. On 3/3/2024 at 11:34 PM, Red Five said:

    How long are we on this island? How many people can we select? Also, was Stevie Nicks there?

    We’re on the island until rescue at some unknown future date.

    Watching LR and QJ wrangle these people was not too far off from an SNL celebrity jeopardy skit.  Lionel telling Lauper to “make a good decision,” was funny.

    No Stevie Nicks.  
    Yes Diana Ross.

  11. Watched it with my kids and at the end I asked - “if you had to be stuck on an island with 2 or 3 of these people - who would you take?”

    Willie, Lionel and Diana Ross were all preferred.  Honorable mention to Huey Lewis, Quincy, Steve Perry, the blond guy from hall&oates, Kenny Loggins and the Boss.

    If you put me on an island with Stevie Wonder, Prince, Al Jarreau, Cyndi Lauper and Waylon, I predict it would devolve into violence almost immediately, and then starvation and suffering.

    Also, can’t rewrite history on Michael Jackson, but it was really cool to watch him work in the studio, to hear him sing unfiltered, and to watch him interact with others.  I never appreciated his raw talent.

    fun show.


  12. 4 minutes ago, BigDHornfan said:

    because my wife buys whatever she wants when she goes to the grocery store.  I try not to argue and cost myself sex.


    I've learned that kid food consumes a substantial amount of my wife's thoughts.  If you listen closely, kids will come around really regularly with the "I'm hungry."  If I were a single dad, I would say "you'll find the food in the kitchen, good luck."  I think of this as preparing them for the slings and arrows of adult life.  I don't remember anyone being all that worried about my feelings when I was a child.  I got a lot of "wait until ____."  If it worked for me...

    But that's not how the mind of a modern mother works.

    These premade things preload for them a "go get an uncrustable out of the fridge."  Instead of dropping whatever they're doing and going to make a sandwich which, inevitably turns into some other kid issue, my wife just stays the course and sends kid on a foolproof mission.  Kid - go to fridge, unwrap plastic, eat.  It's the modern mother version of a polite f.o. you kid.

    This in turn takes pressure off of my wife which, somehow someway has to benefit me, somehow.  Someway.

  13. 14 minutes ago, irishtexan said:

    I mean, if you insist on being "that guy" and creating a dish they don't serve, then I would get the two scrambled egg breakfast, smothered, covered, peppered and diced. I'm assuming you've done research to know that they have doritos (gross) so you could get a bag of doritos, crumble them into the mess of gross you just ordered. I don't think the cooks are gonna open a single-serving bag of doritos and do that for you. Or if you're committed to Frankensteining your order up, throw some tortilla chips in your pocket instead and bring them into the restaurant instead of crumbling a bag of doritos into the mess. Sub tortillas (if they serve them) for toast. Boom. You've got shitty migas.

    Or you could order something they're not gonna fuck up... 

    You gonna call me dumb in the dumb question thread?

  14. Just learned I'm having breakfast tomorrow at Waffle House.  It occurred to me that they make a lot of different things and will customize and so I wonder...

    How do I order migas? 

    I'm going with "Hash scattered and smothered and covered, hold the hash add scramble, add doritos, scratch the raisin toast and slide me a tortilla on the side." unless someone has a better plan.

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, formermav43 said:

    No man is an island, but some live under a rock.

    Was it that obscure?

     I kinda thought this was required reading somewhere between Where the Wild Things Are and A Modest Proposal.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. 2 hours ago, 83Horn said:

    Seriously?  This seems a but dramatic.  Who said this?  If it's true, what about births; wouldn't they uplift him?  Since the world population is increasing, he should be doing alright then, shouldn't he?  I'm confused, and I need answers.

    No man is an island,

    Entire of itself;

    Every man is a piece of the continent, 

    A part of the main.

    If a clod be washed away by the sea,

    Europe is the less,

    As well as if a promontory were:

    As well as if a manor of thy friend's

    Or of thine own were.

    Any man's death diminishes me,

    Because I am involved in mankind.

    And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;

    It tolls for thee.

    John Donne


    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. 15 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Very true but from what I understand behind the scenes, he was a really good guy.

    He's not the first or only musician to peddle trash to the masses.  

    I struggle with the concept of "garbage people."  The optimist in me wants to think each individual has some redeemable quality and this kind of generalization is lazy.

    But then I remember that there is a thing called the Juggalos.  If ever there was a justification for chemical weapons.

    • Haha 1
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