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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hobbes2702

  1. Do cards just not exist today? What the fuck Kavanaugh
  2. Shoulda been a yellow on Colwill. Thats so late and from behind. But why should we expect consistency lol And shoulda been another yellow but nope.
  3. Balcones is an absolute fucking moron. I hope that’s toxic enough for him to stop posting his stupid opinions
  4. There’s been 3 or 4 today that were not even close. Like feet out
  5. Thats not what he said. He said it doesn’t deny Trump a fair trial. It’s pretty interesting that all the sudden they are worried about prosecutorial misconduct lol
  6. Yea it’s quite upsetting. I fucking love that Quiznos and I don’t even like Quiznos normally Anyone else’s feed extremely choppy today
  7. Here’s another one, the video of Annie’s death in no way matches the story of what happened
  8. Do you not know what the word “natural” means?
  9. Not high enough. Especially with his lack of the long ball
  10. Interference calls are so fucking soft now. Shit that’s not even close. Throw is away
  11. If they can get some decent writers I would watch. From a look and feel perspective Lopez did some really good things. She clearly is a terrible writer though.
  12. Remember all the “well what should they do” in this thread and the replies of “not genocide”. Weird how that played out.
  13. We need a rate my swing thread
  14. Flat 88 mph fastballs aren’t going to miss many bats.
  15. They look pretty correct right now. He doesn’t have it. At all. I don’t know why but it is what it is.
  16. Witt should be a non option until his fastball is back over 90. I’m not even worried about the strikes, his stuff is a dud
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