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Jack Wilson

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Posts posted by Jack Wilson

  1. None of us wants to hear this but if Urban doesn't come--for whatever reason(s)--then we're most likely stuck with Herman. We need a true splash hire, and if it's not Urban, nobody can come up with even a plausible alternative.  In that case, look at all the reasons/excuses to keep  him: $-buyout, COVID, fear of the dreaded 3-and-out Groundhog Day coaching carousel, public perception. I could go on and on. These are mostly excuses, granted, but without a killer hire that makes everybody say, "Holy shit. Did you see who Texas hired?" it's doubtful that we do anything. And I hate that as much as anybody.

  2. 1 hour ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    To be honest, I feel like that’s our birthright as Texas fans, and it’s borderline unacceptable that we aren’t doing everything in our power to get back to being the blue blood everyone fears. 

    Whatta' you mean, "borderline?" 

  3. At this point, there are 219 pages of "Fire Tom Herman" and 24 pages of "Texas O-Line Talk" and the O-Line Talk thread is 5 months older. Herman needs to go. Certainly. But by far the biggest problem is the OL, because if we had even a decent OL, we'd be 4-0 and stuck with Herman forever. Those of you who thanked Kansas for getting rid of our last abomination, Charlie Strong, should thank the OL for being so bad for so long. Yes, we need to fire Herman but if we had a decent OL, firing Herman wouldn't even be an option we'd be in a position to be talking about. In essence, our shitty OL gives us leverage over Herman. Strange how that works, is it not?

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  4. 1 minute ago, dcar00 said:

    these former player takes comparing Herman to Strong are LOL.   Herman is losing and sucks but he's not getting run by 30 fuckin points.  Charlie Strong was easily the worst coach in UT History and its not even close.

    Defending Herman by saying, "Well, at least he's not as bad as Charlie," is downright embarrassing because Charlie was, bar none, the worst coach in the history of Texas football--hell, maybe in the history of all football.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Yesh said:

    Assuming the players are aligned on what the real problem is here...I like the idea of making Ash the interim, and letting Yurcich do whatever he wants on offense.  If the players understand Tom is the problem, this could keep them motivated, and let Sam end his career without being held back.  It would also be an audition for keeping Yurcich.

    I agree with the poster above that Sam should be Urban's Recruit Number One. Just like Ricky was Mack's. Sam may or may not have an NFL future, but we know he bleeds orange. Maybe he'd like to stay one more year and put some skins on the wall.

  6. Don't let that miraculous, almost-successful comeback cloud your thinking. This is a bad team with bad coaching. The biggest problem is that our offensive line pales in comparison to the Sam Houston State junior varsity. And it's not going to get any better. Plus, recruiting is starting to come apart. Oh, and did I mention the Portal? It's time to get rid of Tom Herman. We won't, for a variety of reasons, but we should. And then we should pay Urban Meyer whatever it takes. We won't do that either. For the foreseeable future we'll continue to be Tom Herman-bad, or Charlie Strong-bad; hell, I can't tell the difference anymore. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Firemans4Horn said:

    Get ahold of yourself. Your 50 something years old. 

    The demands of what you're passionate about get more urgent as your remaining years diminish. Loosely translated, that means if you give a shit about Texas football, your time frame to get rid of Herman shrinks with each disappointing game. Actually, it shrinks with each game--they're all disappointing. Even the Tech game when we "won."

  8. 1 minute ago, Nicole44 said:

    The players made it pretty clear how intelligent they are by insisting they not have to sing the Eyes because it’s racist. I’m not at all shocked that there are only a few players that have heart and actually give a fuck. The vast majority of our team is dumb. We have a gimmicky fraud if a HC and most of our players don’t even care about Texas. It’s obvious. They don’t bleed burnt orange. I love my school and I hate to say this about the players because I have always supported them 100%. I always have. But if they can’t care to show up and they care more about me singing the Eyes than they do about winning I won’t bother wasting my time watching them.

    Nobody has the balls to say this, but I find it hard to argue with.

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  9. 20 hours ago, Hank_Hill said:

    Well did he lay it himself?

    Jake's from Scottsdale.  His yard is probably completely xeriscaped with rocks and gravel.  

    No, Jake's from State Farm.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    The internet killed ESPN, they just haven’t figured that out yet. 

    In the 90s, everyone watched ESPN to get sports news. It was the only place to get it. The internet was AOL. It wasn’t providing shit. National news and local news didn’t cover shit. Every grew to love the broadcasters because they were the only source, and their funny quips were the first joke made about whatever play or event. Now every score, breaking story, tidbit, and funny joke about sports in instantly delivered to you on your phone via Twitter and yahoo and whatever sports app. 

    Most people watch ESPN for games only. No one cares about day old opinions, old jokes, and hot takes from whomever they have on screen, especially not has been players who are not funny, smart, cool, etc. 

    And add to this the fact that ESPN has politicized sports reporting. They're alienating the very core fanbase that put them where they are by eschewing good, honest coverage of sport and instead pimping for a distorted point of view in hopes of keeping the eyeballs of the lunatic fringe glued up. 

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