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Posts posted by DixonHur

  1. 21 minutes ago, Hook1997 said:


    72% of Iraqi’s main concern was safety in 2003, now it’s 20%.   Relationships between tribes and religious sects was viewed as over 70% negative then now is at 30%.  We can debate reasons all day but a lot of Iraqi’s like their life post Saddam vs pre.  

    Also, can you share these polls?  I found this one, but it doesn't seem to match.

    Iraqis Look Back: Is Life Better Today? (gallup.com)

  2. 13 minutes ago, Hook1997 said:

    True, like I said you can debate that all day but overall they are happier.  Also 72% of Americans were for the invasion before it started with risk of servicemen’s lives included in the poll.  It’s easy to look back and play Monday morning qb.  Your’e very correct in that we didn’t gain much.  

    It's not Monday morning QB...I was against the Iraq invasion and against the Afghan invasion.  

    Also, how much of that polling was due to people being lied to about Iraq's nuclear capabilities?

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. Just now, StassneyHorn said:

    Fuck off and out of here, this is only a celebration thread

    Wow, a neg for a literal historical fact...didn't expect that but I guess I should have known certain people in the CR can't handle facts that go against their confirmation bias.

    I'm rooting for Biden, by the way, so we're on the same team.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  4. 2 hours ago, StassneyHorn said:

    How are YOU preparing for this momentous, never before experienced event? Where were YOU when the DOW hit 40k? How are YOU celebrating?

    Buy a Biden hat to commemorate this day in history.



    No offense, but judging the economy by a surging stock market hasn't proven to be a good idea.  It always surges before it crashes...I just hope the crash happens after November.


    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Fuck You 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, Hook1997 said:

    If you ask Iraqi’s they are probably still pretty happy we did it….  Especially the ones living here now that I know.  🤷🏻‍♂️

    Doesn't really matter what they think, TBH, it wasn't our place to invade another country that did nothing to us.

    It cost us a lot in terms of the service members who died, or were injured, the wasted tax dollars and our standing in the world.  

    What exactly did we gain?

  6. 12 hours ago, PRONG HORN said:

    Its just marketing.  They purposely choose attractive people to make it more appealing.  It’s not rocket science, just business.  


    You're starting to give off an "I own several books by Jock Sturges", kinda vibe.  You might want to back it up a bit.

  7. 3 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I got to see Carter once when I was a boy.  Believe it or not, he was at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office.  My sister and I had been parked in the Cabinet Room by my uncle who was a higher up in the Secret Service.  He went to ask Carter's security detail if we could meet the President . . . no dice.  Pretty cool experience, anyway.

    That's what you get for wearing your "Reagan for President" button.

    • Haha 4
  8. 15 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

    The shithead is from a school that for reasons unknown on their website has a story about the dip shit wearing his Air Force uniform and bragging about the number of tours. So it is in his mined that he can do what he wants because he is the hero of the ages.

    they have a contact email so I told them that their university marketing adores a man who kidnapped and false imprisoned some poor defenseless driver, while holding a gun on him, endangering his life so that he could go through his wallet and try to find out who he is, all extra judicially. I told them that their alumnus has made post-crime statements defending his actions - and in no way has he ever mentioned the poor Uber driver who he assaulted and imprisoned and traumatized with live weapons. I advised them that most people do not respect that man for what he did - and mostly for not owning up that it was wrong.  But if they want to be a laughing stock,  maintain that online article -because I’m sure somewhere there there’s a Democratic donor who wants to send money to their school who won’t now



    Is this the story you're talking about?  Sounds like bro has some mental issues that need addressing.  Not doxxing, but I assume that's his daughter's pic (much younger) in the article.

    COL Sean Hollonbeck, MD ’97 | SIU School of Medicine (siumed.edu)


  9. 3 hours ago, HookEm said:

    Lol.  I'm from Muleshoe.  It was actually a great place to grow up... way better than the Austin suburbs I have subjected my kids to.

    Only been through Muleshoe a handful of times, on the way to New Mexico, and every time we drove through a literal cloud of particalized manure.

    I don't know how you survived.

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