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Posts posted by DixonHur

  1. 44 minutes ago, Don Johnson said:

    I'm referring to your stated goal of taking 10% of the assets from the top 10% and redistributing to the bottom 50%.  Do you plan on taking 10% of their assets once or every year?

    Oh.  That wasn't my "stated goal", I was responding to his stated goal of raising the floor...I was just using 10% for illustrative purposes.  It was meant to put into perspective just how much wealth is held by the top.

    And I mean "held", in the literal sense...that shit ain't trickling down.

  2. 1 hour ago, MontereyMX said:

    Rattlesnake bomber base.  Enola Gay hauled ass out of there to smoke some Japs. 


    11 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    It didn't leave from Los Alamos? They transported it from NM to Texas? There's an Airforce Base near Clovis, right?

    The bomb was loaded on Tinian Island...it was taken there by the USS Indianapolis


    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. Even if you think Trump is innocent and Cohen is a "serial liar" doesn't it make you wonder about Trumps abilities as a manager?

    Seems like a lot of his "hand-picked" employees have been convicted of felonies for things they did while working for him.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but I've had a total of 0 employees convicted (or even accused) of committing felonies at work.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Don Johnson said:

    Is this is a one time re-distribution?  Cut a a $54,000 check to 165 million people?

    Nope.  It would be going forward...I don't believe in going backwards to correct mistakes of the past.  

    So, CEO pay gets slashed and the median income goes up.  The rich are still rich, just not grotesquely so...and the lower-level employees get to keep more of the money made from their toils.

    Take McDonalds for example...the CEO makes about $20m per year on average.  Last year it was $19.2m...or $9,231/hour (using the standard 2,080 hours per year)...the average McDonalds "crew member", in Austin, makes $14/hour.  

    I just don't think that's right.  Should he make more than a someone working a register or making fries?  Of course, he is more highly educated, has more responsibility, etc... but 660x more?  He makes more in 3 hours than these people make in a year...that should anger everyone.

    That and no heir can receive more than, say, $10 million, aside from a surviving spouse.  This still puts the heir in the Top 1% in the US, and for those of us with less than $10 million in net worth there is zero change to the current inheritance rules.

    But it promotes more equality of opportunity and slows the current trend toward aristocracy.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. 12 hours ago, Sgt Hulk said:

    Chanute?  Goddamn are you 70? 

    I know...my grandfather served there too.  

    12 hours ago, Lone Star Horn said:

    HA, if he was there for one of the Air Force Tech Schools, say around 18-19 years old. It was closed in 1993, so he could still be as young as 48-49.

    Ding ding ding...I was there in '91

    But I was at a Navy tech school.  Best food I had in the military, though.  Those fly boys could cook. 

  6. 19 minutes ago, tbone_ said:

    The planet isn’t going anywhere and doesn’t need anything to be “good” for it. “good for human use of” the planet is what you meant to say.

    You do know that humans aren't the only inhabitants of Earth, right?

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 1 hour ago, texifornia said:

    Illinois has a great secondary coaching staff, that's a smart career move

    It's a really good school too, if he's into that kinda thing.

    Was one of the "new ivies" along with UT according to Forbes

    I spent time at Chanute AFB in Rantoul, IL and we used to go into Champaign every weekend...fun college town.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

    And speaking of undefeated - while you’re in jail, your sneaking-away 13-year-old daughter’s social life is about to take a different turn while you are incarcerated.

    The chances this guy goes to jail are near 0 in my opinion.  Before you scoff and say I have no idea how the la works, let me state my case.

    1. It's Florida
    2. He's white
    3. He's "well-regarded" in his community
    4. It's Florida

    I just hope the Uber driver isn't a POC...otherwise he might get convicted of kidnapping the daughter.

    I'm waiting for Gov. Go-Go Boots to weigh in on the situation.


    • Hook 'Em 3
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  9. 1 hour ago, F250 said:

    It's been my experience that it's the youth leagues/orgs that have different crowds and not the sport regarding team sports. I've seen the range of apathy to hypercompetitiveness across youth baseball, football, basketball depending on the league/org.

    Individual sports tend to be really good about development but lean towards hypercompetitiveness.

    Maybe we need to return to the 70's and 80's when parents didn't give a shit.  I remember my games being sparsely attended by parents.  Usually, they rotated who HAD to take us to the games and we'd all pile into the back of one of their station wagons.  From 6th grade through HS I think my parents attended about a dozen or so of my games.

    Some parents went to all their kid's games, but they usually were the ones who took it way too seriously and their kids hated having them there.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. On 5/10/2024 at 5:51 PM, UT_OB1 said:

    @DixonHur sorry, I thought you were someone else that pops over from CR and about to start telling which groups need to start having their populations reduced first 

    Nope.  Just in general, not ethnogenic.  I don't believe in the great replacement theory, primarily because I don't believe in race, per say.  Yes, there are physical differences between people from different areas, but the idea race is both relatively new, and fluid IMO.  

    For example, the notion of "white" people was created in America, but referred only to people of English and German (specifically the Saxon region...hence Anglo-Saxon).  In the 1790 census there were only a 5 categories.

    1. Free White males of 16 years and upward
    2. Free White males under 16 years
    3. Free White females
    4. All other free persons
    5. Slaves

    And in 1908 there was actually a trial to determine if Finnish immigrants could be considered white.  No, seriously...they debated whether these people were white just over 100 years ago...hidden for size  




    On 5/10/2024 at 5:51 PM, UT_OB1 said:


    And you basically said I was stupid for comparing humans to a virus, when in fact we are in the most literal sense.  We would not exist without the 8% of our DNA that is a virus.

    6 hours ago, Snake Diggity said:

    Otherwise, rapid population decline leads to catastrophe and irrecoverable regression.

    I will say, given the state of humanity, I think there’s a lot more upside in population decline than there is in population increase.

    Couldn't agree more.  

  11. 4 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    Milton Friedman single handedly ruined the business model with shareholder theory. He sucks, his monetarist theory sucks, and anyone pushing his bullshit sucks. 

    Probably totally unrelated, and totally coincidentally (sarcasm for those who have their meters turned off)...average CEO pay has increased about 1,400% since he put forth this theory.

    The Two Decades That Created Our World’s First Mass Middle Class - Inequality.org


    Back in 1982, in the early stages of that redistribution, Forbes began publishing an annual compilation of the nation’s 400 grandest private fortunes. The initial Forbes 400 list included just 13 billionaires. Their combined wealth: $92 billion. Over the next four decades, Forbes notes, the combined net worth of America’s richest 400 would rise to “a staggering $4.5 trillion — making them nearly 50 times better off than their 1982 counterparts, far outpacing the consumer price index’s near tripling.”

    This is within most of our lifetimes, but...


  12. 19 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    Lol, that’s what you got from “we should tax people so we have good housing and schools and medicine for everyone..” 



    Yes, because you're against them sharing in the success of the companies they work for, so to me that means fuck you I got mine...but we'll tax your boss a little more and give it to people even poorer than you.

    Our CEO makes 34x what I do, and I'm probably in the top 5% of earners at the company...do you really think taxing him an extra 5% is going to reduce inequality? 

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