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Everything posted by Stunns38

  1. And coaching staff. I won’t trash Sark today but he wasn’t up to par. Washington has a very good coaching staff.
  2. We knew who our secondary is but I’m more disappointed in the D line. Honestly, Washington’s O line got worked by Arizona, Oregon, and Washington st when I watched them this year.
  3. Well, they got more mature and experienced players. We got more raw but inexperienced talent.
  4. I guess we weren’t ready, including our coaching staff. Too many press clippings and sucking our own dicks. Don’t forget, we are still relatively young but we just are not showing up. Washington made some nice halftime adjustments on O. Hope we can get another turnover. This ain’t Houston or K-state.
  5. Don’t give my Bears any ideas…they’ll find a way to screw it up.
  6. I sure hope Derek Williams makes an impact the 2nd half.
  7. The bitch ass announcers are disappointed that Washington didn’t run a play.
  8. Now shit like this, he’s usually good receiver
  9. This has to be the worst game Ewers has played this year.
  10. How are they catching everything in traffic. Washington state did better defending him
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