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Everything posted by Wishbone

  1. I enjoy tidbits from farmer U. And that is all. Who wouldn’t? Other than reliable high comedy, who gives a fuck otherwise?
  2. Ok then. Now I can resume a somewhat normal day. Then que up the welcome banner around 6:01 PM.
  3. Jimbo’s “natty” was as much of an outlier as aggys 1939 championship. Neither should have happened, and neither will likely ever happen again. They’re perfect for each other.
  4. TBD. Still in the process of evaluating host site options.
  5. They should concentrate on keeping Echols since none of the others are a realistic possibility.
  6. Welcome to the beginning of the Gooner version of the Nebraska irrelevance model bitches. Given, it may not be as bad, or as swift, but still…
  7. This gets any worse and they may remove a previous title from LSU.
  8. Couple of losses by mid-season and I could see some of those mercenary guys aggy “bagged” losing interest and being more concerned with staying healthy for the portal bid season. That combined with the bread they have for depth could make the latter part of the season interesting.
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