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Grade of D as in David

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Grade of D as in David

  1. 7 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    I knew these kinds of consultants existed, but I didn't realize they charge more than admissions consultants do.  And maybe in the South, it's not the case---but in much of this country, where you went to school is a fuckton more important than what greek organization you were involved with.  

    There's a whopping two guys from my fraternity I still talk to regularly (both live far away-Seattle and Tampa).  Most, close to all, of my friends from college whom I'm still close with, were not in any fraternity.  Maybe it's different for folks born immersed in that culture, I dunno.  I'm still weirded out when somebody near 50 years of age asks me, "Were you greek in undergrad, or?"  I don't really ever give it much thought one way or the other.  

    Only time I took a vehement stand was one of my younger cousins was off to Tech and her and her mother were asking me about greek life.  I bit my tongue as long as I could, but they kept asking.  First off-it was a fucking miracle she got accepted to Texas Tech.  There's reach schools and then there's her getting into Tech when we thought community college was gonna be a stretch for her.  Plus she has a real penchant for drama.  So right away, I'm thinking any time not spent studying is gonna be a mistake.  And the family struggles financially to keep her in school even with her working year-around and some small loans.  But she and her mom were convinced Greek life unlocks this mystery world of c-level jobs and private jets to Paris.  I also warned them about the expense.  not just the dues but it's $50 this week for this and $200 next month for that and it never fucking ends.  But the real concern I frankly had was the time commitment.  She's not good at time management and she needs every hour not at work or sleeping to be focused on academics.  But they ignored me and she constantly complains about this subcommittee taking up too much time and alumni events taking up her weekends and formals and games and mixers and being a big sister and community service and all this shit taking up 20+ hours a week of hers.  She's gonna somehow graduate in 5 years but I can tell she regrets it for the most part.  No point to my story other than yeah there's dangers and cliches to it and it's expensive but Greek life can just take a fuckload of time, too.  And not spent doing anything particularly fun or life-changing.  Just busy work to make the chapter look "engaged."  To each their own, I guess in Lubbock it helps pass the time.  

    My older sister's son really wants to come to Texas in a few years.  And of course she does research on greek life here and what fraternity she wants him to be in.  She was shocked to see Greek life is only about 15% of our student population.  I said it'll probably be closer to 10% by the time he's a college Sophomore.  All her friends who went to University of Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Purdue, Illinois State, Northern Illinois, etc.-they were all Greek as was 50%+ of their student body.  She wondered what was wrong with UT, why so few participate in Greek life and if that would take away from his undergraduate experience only having such a small portion of students engaged in frats.  I asked her to notice the difference in all those college towns she named and Austin.  If I was living in Urbana, IL or West Lafayette, IN and suicide wasn't an option, then yeah-I'd be camped out overnight to pledge my first day of classes so I had something to fucking do for fun.  But Austin is one of the most fun cities for 20 somethings in the Continental United States.  Join a frat if you want to, but holy shit-if you're having a hard time finding something fun to do, Greek Life ain't gonna help you, the problem is you.  I bet a lot of kids show up here meaning to join one and then after a few months of festivals, lakes, music, bars, and outdoor recreation-they realize that it's just another timesuck and pulls cash outta their pockets better spent on other fun shit.  /rant

    Yeah we're going to need to see pics of the girl with grades so bad tech was a reach, but managed to get into a sorority.

    She has to be thermonuclear hot.

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  2. 12 hours ago, zman13 said:

    Watched Bird Box Barcelona.

    Starts with a good premise and then wastes it by having the characters make horrible decisions every five minutes to advance the plot.

    If there is an apocolypse, be sure to:

    - never carry a weapon, so you can't defend yourself from the bad guys

    - if you are hiding from bad guys in a city with no electricity, be sure to light candles by an exterior window. The bad guys probably won't see it.

    - if the evil thing makes lots of noise when approaching and kills you when you look at it, don't try to leave or walk away when you hear it approaching. Stay still so it can walk up to you.

    - Everyone in your group should sleep next to each other, so it's easier to get killed together. Why make the bad guys work harder by spreading out?

    - if your goal is to get to a castle on the top of a hill, definitely plan to get there by cable car. Cause a cable car will definitely work after no one has used it for 9 months and there's no electricity. That's a much better plan than driving there or walking to the top of the hill. 

    I would normally say spoiler this shit, but the first one was so bad, ain't nobody watching this one 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, SydneyCarton said:


    Yes, bellville. Cat Spring, specifically. That being said I believe they were tested for minerals in the last ten years and it didn't find shit. 

    There is critical water based pipeline infrastruture all around the Gulf Coast in Texas and LA, and specifically the Port of Houston and other spots in LA. I'm not an O&G dude, but listening to some folks talk, it seems like there is potential big dollar infrastructure risk to those assets by rising waters. But I'm sure someone else on this thread who actually works in that place can explain. Becuase I don't see the US building a giant dyke system like the Netherlands across the gulf coast. 

    Gulf Coast Dykes would be a great name for an all lesbian Chicks cover band 

  4. 1 hour ago, YGIFS said:

    Wait, there's Mexican redheads?  

    I forget the case, but its name is used as shorthand for why you can't legally rig a shotgun to blast whoever breaks in your front-door.  You want to have a fence on our side of the River, or armed agents patrolling by boat, or even a wall---that's one thing and probably legal (just kinda stupid waste of money IMHO).  But inserting deadly devices on the literal border line itself, meant to dismember and drown---isn't that just one step short of rigging the shallow parts of the river with mines?  

    The case was the state of Illinois v. Kevin McCalister 


    Also I'm intrigued but terrified at the thought of a Mexican redhead 

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  5. 38 minutes ago, RPM said:

    You may not be familiar with a few little things called World War and Global Thermonuclear War. Both are insanely easy to trigger and one has a history of leading to the other. This is a situation where we are fighting terrorists with nukes, lots of them. It's going to take an internal response from Russians able to stop this before it gets to that point, a/k/a his breakfast tea staff.

    Then we go from 1 terrorist with nukes to who knows how many terrorists with nukes. We are going to have to deal with the nuke problem one way or another. 

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