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The Ace of Aces

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Everything posted by The Ace of Aces

  1. Mattson didn’t promise Shiv the CEO gig. He very well can name Greg that and the siblings are then SOL without any real control of Waystar.
  2. Rooting for Ali over Buddha but will be happy with either. Sad Amir is out.
  3. I don’t see built-in taps on that bar. I’d demand a refund.
  4. We tried to get into Tatiana after seeing Camelot and failed, may you have much better luck. Next Saturday, maybe we can meet at the Met. We have a 12:30 brunch with some friends down in Hell's Kitchen before 2 pm shows though so might be too tight a window.
  5. Loved everything about that episode. Evil Danny was fantastic.
  6. Going next Friday - it’s barely selling so got TDF tickets today for $50/each. The Tony’s likely don’t happen - I doubt t Shucked and NYNY survive the month of June.
  7. Stayed there in April on a last minute trip when our usual Bryant Park Hotel was sold out. It’s a nice hotel, good sized rooms, my favorite location in the city is right there by the park. Staff was meh but most all NYC hotels staff is meh
  8. Over Memorial Day we are seeing Parade, Shucked, Prima Facie and Some Like It Hot. That’ll have us at 16 shows since January, ha,
  9. This show is about no one changing - I don't see them giving Roman the change arc alone.
  10. Roman will fail hugely. He always has, always will.
  11. That was too realistic thank to the maga movement to be enjoyable.
  12. USAA customer service used to be great. It’s pure shit now. I have a claim going for a YEAR and they have no idea what they’re doing. I have the state insurance board investigating them for inaction, there be ruling on my favor next month. There were always 2 USAAs. The good one based on military service and the other (for teachers) one. The good one is gone. I’ll be speaking with a broker once my claim is finished. USAA jacked my homeowners rate up 32% in 2021 and car rate 12%. We had never had a claim until 2022.
  13. It’s because HOAs are evil - you should move as it’ll just get worse
  14. I identify as Lutheran* because Martin Luther brewed beer. * evangelical Lutheran cause fuck the others. Our church was one of the first to open its doors to gay marriages, has a black female priest married to a white hippie (really great designed house, they have), has weekly LBGTQ meetups, operates a food pantry and garden in the urban food desert, et al. It welcomes everyone and supports the community. Churches should be service orgs that are taxed. Religion is man-made, full of faults and hijacked by charlatans.
  15. They’re from Ohio so can’t read the signs, not fully their fault. But Ohioans giving aggy money is kinda mind-blowing.
  16. I don’t think the India thing is a smokescreen because Mattson has repeatedly tried to rush the deal to close.
  17. Tom going full nuclear next week will be fun to watch.
  18. The tweaks to RW are huge wins. The weakest chef got kicked. Buddha turned it up - he’s the perfect chef for this combination kf skills and game.
  19. Dwyer owns and operates three boats and is the also now the fleet experience manager for Trident. I haven't watched the latest ep as I haven't needed background noise ... did they show him trying to get a job on deck of another boat or something? That'd be hilarious if the writers did that.
  20. Vaughn was at Sunbird again in Longview today. He’s visited a few times in the last two months - some of the best q in Texas being served there and Bryan is experimenting with some unique flavors too.
  21. The manufacturer in 2018 said they cost $1,250 each https://www.heraldnet.com/business/an-arlington-companys-crab-pots-star-on-deadliest-catch/#:~:text=On the other hand%2C “king,traps sell for %241%2C250 each.
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