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Certifiably Surly
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  1. I'm curious what values Trump and his policies reflect or enable the "good old days" of yore for someone like Ztejas. Also, do people like ztejas ever wonder if the old days were good for all Americans? Also, there seems to be a conflation between social progress (which took a lot damn hard work) and governmental policy because I don't think America is that left-leaning compared to the rest of the world when it comes, for example, to our social safety net or economic policies.
  2. Give some reasons then ztejas, happy to have a discussion.
  3. Miss going to games there. Dump of a stadium, but some of the best selection of craft beers available.
  4. Kinda what Beto’s org is all about… registering voters.
  5. Welp... guess the team is really really Not winning this game now.
  6. Come on players not named Yordan. Do something!
  7. I want Joe to go full Dark Brandon and do nothing but talk shit on Trump and every single member of the GQP.
  8. Bless you Joe, bless you. Time to go support the next nominee. Fuck Trump and GQP.
  9. YChang


    Hard to believe this is from the same director of Minari...
  10. Whoah whoah whoah... can he even wobble standing upright yet?
  11. Credit to the players... I did not expect this at all. I was just hoping for .500 coming out of the break.
  12. Maybe a few hundred years from now historians and other social scientists can explain why the fuck this is.
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