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Posts posted by AtticusFinch

  1. 2 minutes ago, Surly Bevo said:

    As a party to this series who doesn't care much for either team I do have to wonder how last night's ending might or might not affect Kimbrel.  Obviously against a lineup like the Astros the chance that he has to pitch in multiple high leverage situations is pretty high.  Yea he got out of it last night but frankly he kind of got let off the hook by some poor at bats and he has to know that.  Baseball minds are a delicate thing, closer minds are angel hair delicate....if he can't put last night behind him when called on next the Astros seem to have an exceptional end of game advantage because I don't see them having dumbshit ABs like Stanton did last night.

    Bregman is taking Kimbrel deep at some point in this series

    • Like 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Fucking bullshit that the 100+ win defending champs could potentially play two entire rounds of playoffs and never host a goddamn night game.

    Blame the Dodgers.  In the games last year, if the Astros/Yankees were playing the same day as Dodgers, games were at 4pm Central time.  Prob same this season

  3. 6 hours ago, Guadaloopy said:

     My wife and I will be out to dinner during game 1 celebrating our 17th anniversary.  Have had the reservation for a couple of months.   Poor foresight on my part.  She has already stated that I must leave my phone in the car.  Social media blackout and DVR for me.  

    Tip the waiter.  Have them bring courses out quickly

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Gut Wagon said:

    He certainly belongs on the list. FWIW, I never liked Gooden or Hernandez or Orozco, either. 


    As for the poster who said 1986 against the Mets was the first devastation in memory, that only tells me you weren’t around in ‘80. Even more of a playoff disaster, though that might seem impossible. 

    I hated them all.  Dont leave off Carter and his punchable perm face.  

  5. 2 hours ago, Gut Wagon said:

    He certainly belongs on the list. FWIW, I never liked Gooden or Hernandez or Orozco, either. 


    As for the poster who said 1986 against the Mets was the first devastation in memory, that only tells me you weren’t around in ‘80. Even more of a playoff disaster, though that might seem impossible. 

    I hated them all.  Dont leave off Carter and his punchable perm face.  

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    So does Bregman get correa’s $500mil contract or do we bank on him raising his trade value  ?


    its going to be a long 4 days ......

    Bregman is good trade bait for a couple prospects and a player to be named later...

  7. 15 hours ago, Scraps said:

    Just catching up on the Sparks show


    As the music in the background keeps saying "bitch" and "pussy" lol

    I need the Astros to win just so I can hear new stuff from Sparky in the locker room.  It's awesome

  8. 10 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    I'm trying to decide who I'd rather face in the ALCS.  Looking at their team stats, I honestly think it doesn't matter.  After Severino, none of the Yankee starters scare me at all.  And the Red Sox have a potent 1-2 in Sale and Price, except that Price is a nuclear meltdown in playoff games.

    It don't make a shit?

    I dont think it matters.  I prefer the Yankees only bc home field, bigger national interest, and they strike out a lot and we have a lot of strikeout pitchers 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, TexArcher said:


    Apparently we play well when we're feeling disrespected.  So I look forward to the media slobbering over whichever team is a lock to beat us in the ALCS.

    MLB Network has been loving on the Astros all season as the team to beat.  They love this team

  10. 1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

    i forgot to post this, but was i the only one pissed at marwin swinging at ball 4 and hitting a foul (on the ball that was actually a double)?

    I dont know how he hit that ball.  I think he looked shocked when he hit it.  He paused for a moment to watch it

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