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Posts posted by AtticusFinch

  1. 3 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    Well, not explicitly. But he has called CNN "fake news" and then moments later declared fake news an "enemy of the state and people". So he's not far off lol

    This isnt remotely close to inciting violence

    • Fuck You 2
  2. 1 minute ago, FondrenRoad said:

    What do random people that aren't leaders have to do with the President of the United States calling for violence? 

    Let's try this again.  You're on a high school football team.  Is there a difference between your coach telling you to gouge opponents' eyes and the 3rd string waterboy telling you to gouge opponents' eyes?

    Did Trump call for rounding up and executing the press?  I missed that I guess

  3. 5 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    They both use rhetoric the same way.  You're getting bent because you like Trump's rhetoric and hate ISIS', but the content isn't even relevant.  Its the incitement to act that is nearly identical between the two.

    And don't call me Jesus.

    I actually hate Trump's rhetoric.   I wish he would quit the shit but I think it's also blown out of proportion.   I mean its overanalyzed day after day 24/7. 

  4. Just now, FondrenRoad said:

    Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.  That is why leaders need to have cooler heads.  Its why after a smooth referee buttfucking, Mack Brown never called for violence against a ref at a postgame press conference.  Its because out of a few million UT fans, someone would probably fucking do it.

    This is stupid.  Do you realize how much disgusting and negative shit is out there on twitter, facebook, etc.  People with millions of followers call for killing the president and attacking people in his administration.   You cant curb speech because someone crazy might act on it.  

  5. 1 minute ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Trump operates like ISIS.  Throw rhetoric out constantly, and hope some nutjob like this guy picks it up.  The only difference between Trump and ISIS is the aftermath.  Trump will try to distance himself from this "lone wolf" while ISIS will take credit for the "lone wolf" it inspires to act.  But both of them will go right back to the well and keep intentionally spewing rhetoric designed to agitate nut jobs into becoming lone wolves.

    The real problem for Trump is that he is too stupid to realize that he's doing this.  While his rhetoric is intentionally designed to agitate, its all shit he got from Russia and others who have disruption as their primary goal.  

    Stop comparing Trump to ISIS.  Jesus...

  6. 2 minutes ago, Dirk X West said:

    Are Antifa Democratic politicians?  And exactly how many times has Maxine Waters made inflammatory statements like Trump has?

    Pretty much every time she talks about Trump.  Which is every time she opens her mouth.  It doesn't matter.   People are like children getting upset every time someone opens their mouth

    • Fuck You 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    The problem is the President is a key rhetoric generator.  The President needs to maintain a certain decorum.  Trump doesn't.  A President can absolutely create policy that many don't like.  I'm sure you hated a lot of what Obama did, and I hated a lot of what W did.  What neither one of them did is go on stage or twitter and intentionally enrage people.

    I think people are enraged at silly things.  Unstable people get enraged

  8. 1 minute ago, Dirk X West said:

    Trump, the president, has openly called for violence against his political opponents and the media in general on many occasions, including recently.  I really can't think many of any parallel examples coming from similarly high profile Democratic politicians, in terms of frequency or explicitness.  I agree there is rancor and paranoia all around, but this is not a "both sides" situation here.

    Maxine Waters?  The resistance?  Calls to confront anyone on the right in public, antifa protesting conservative speakers on college campuses, etc, etc.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I guess grass fires never started before this guy who tosses lit matches onto the dry grass all the time.  It's obviously the lit match-tosser's fault.  Nice logic.


    You'd be better off if you confessed to consuming a pound of soy a day, thus causing you brain-rot, because as it stands, you're just demonstrating garden-variety self-contained stupidity.

    There is a lot of misguided hate in this country.  You prob were not as outraged when Trump Jr.'s wife opened a package of white powder and had to be rushed to hospital or the Republicans were gunned down on the baseball field.  Nobody is dialing down the insane rhetoric.  Its only going to get worse.  

  10. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Also excellent points.

    The economic folly of the Party of Trump is what's truly flabbergasting.  The "Liberal" world order -- the thing that has created 75+ years of unprecedented global peace and prosperity, to the GREAT benefit of the USA, is the enemy now.  Free trade -- the enemy.  Working with our allies in mutually beneficial ways (as opposed to treating them as adversaries in a zero-sum game) -- the enemy.  Passing massive one-sided tax cuts for no good reason, creating a massive deficit in the process, and also removing a tool of fiscal stimulus that is good to have on hand in the event of the next downturn....breathtakingly dumb.  When the economists and wonks who used to be nearly 100% in line with the GOP's platform and actions are now the ones saying "WTF are these morons doing?", that tells us a lot.

    The liberal world order was a creation in Europe and you can argue it helped maintain the peace but WWII and its aftermath also kept the peace.  The cold war and fear of communism also kept Europe allied and at peace.  It didn't in the rest of the world.  If NATO and the EU completely dissolved, you still wouldn't have nationalistic nations ready to do battle again.  Society has changed in the West.  

  11. 5 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Give us some combo of Bush I economics + Bush 2 "compassionate conservatives" who actually wanted to give immigration reform a shot and maybe you can salvage something.

    There was push back because the reform included amnesty.  I realize the GOP is portrayed as racist because they want people to check in at the border and have jobs and they dont want the few criminals that do come in to commit more crimes against Americans and they dont like the drugs and contraband crossing the border unchecked but that fact gets lost in the media and Democrat buzzword..racism.  I'm sure there are a few racists in the GOP just like there are a few racists in the Democrat party.  There are a lot of real problems at the border in regards to immigration but they cant ever get fixed because if any group is excluded or you try and limit certain groups you are called a racist.  It's not really racism anyway.  It's a class issue.  Nobody gives a shit if you let in "brown people" that are in finance or engineers, lawyers, doctors, scientists,  teachers, etc.  They benefit a society more than someone that is a laborer.  Letting uneducated poor people in that isolate themselves and collect government benefits on a stressed system and foster an underground economy and in turn send a lot of their money out of the country does not benefit a society as much as someone with a high paying job that pays a lot in taxes.  However, the poors do serve one valuable purpose...once they become citizens, they vote and once their children reach a certain age, they vote.  So for certain political ideologies,  it's the long game.  

  12. 1 hour ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Yeah.  It was pretty clearly done by someone that got his instructions from Loony Tunes.  But I still don’t know that it was not meant to harm.  He could have well believed he was making real bombs and was operating at such a sub-aggy IQ level that he thought this was it.


    i mean, joe Biden?  Who hates him and sees him as some force of evil? 

    Little girls

    • Like 3
  13. 17 minutes ago, seven said:

    There will always be the anti-tax wing of the gop, I'm sceptical that their racism, homophobia, and sexism will continue much longer. It's just so obviously a losing position in the long run. 

    Being anti-tax is racist now? I realize this is the general position of the left but it fascinates me.  I dont understand why the left is completely set on the fact that higher taxes is always the answer but they seem fine with government corruption, waste and free giveaways in the billions of dollars to other countries...no loans, just giveaways

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