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Posts posted by AtticusFinch

  1. I'm really not crazy about anything this week.  My money play has been Alabama 1st half line but they arent playing.  They have covered every week.  I could see some upsets this week.  UCLA is improved and getting 10.5 at home.  Utah is best team in pac 12 but that's not saying much.  I like Vitginia Tech.  I like UH to end USF's run and cover the 7.  I'll prob bet TX bc its TX and they should win.  They should run all over that defense

  2. 18 hours ago, HtownHorn said:

    Probably because you had Watt, Clowney, and Mercilus coming off of injury and none of those guys played much in the preseason. Then you had the secondary upheaval. The OL is trash so the offense will never be consistent. The Texans need CB and OL in the next draft.

    The O-line pass blocking schemes are Trash.  They are not terrible at run blocking but our Tackles are awful against any decent pass rusher.  Our defense is good enough to keep us in any game except against an elite offense like KC, Rams, or Patriots.  Those teams would beat Texans every time.  O'Brien is completely inadequate as an offensive coach.  Texans will never beat an elite team with him.  Nice win yesterday but the truth is Jacksonville is playing like one of the worst teams in the league.  Texans offense only had 280 yards.  One positive is the Texans actually scored 2 red zone TDs yesterday.   Another positive is all their division games have been played on the road.  It is there division to lose based on the schedule.  Assuming they stay healthy, I expect the offense to get better 2nd half of season as Watson is starting to play better.  

    Negative: stuck with O'Brien 

  3. 1 hour ago, Planet Houston said:

    ^^ He better be ready.  We're gonna need him.

    Also, just spitballing here, but if LMJ does need TJ surgery, then maybe he shouldn't have come in with the bases loaded in a one-run game.  I'm a HUGE Hinch fan and defender (probably to a fault), but if this is the case, he needs to answer some difficult questions.

    I cant imagine Hinch putting McCullers in the game knowing the extent of his injury nor McCullers putting himself at risk.  McCullers is a potential $20M a year pitcher.  I dont but it.

  4. Our personnel had better years last season.  We had more injuries.   I think we had a better pitching staff this year top to bottom.  I think they need to resign Morton if they can.  Keuchel is replaceable.  McCullers is a wild card.  This team will be back in playoffs next year.  Just need to get hot at the right time and get clutch hits.  Boston simply had a rediculous amount of 2 out hits.  That may not happen again for them.  Anyway...good season

  5. 10 hours ago, Guadaloopy said:

    Astros free agents are Keuchel, Morton, MarGo, Gattis, Sipp, Maldonado.  Everyone else is back.  McCann is under contract through next year.

    ETA - McCann's option for 2019 did not vest so he will likely be a free agent.  He didn't catch enough games this year.

    There is a rumor floating around that McCullers might need Tommy John surgery 

  6. 9 minutes ago, thetruth said:

    Three years in the playoffs in a row, a World Series title, back to back ALCS appearances, all the other shit, and people still hate Luhnow? Teh Fuck

    Luhnow is prob the best general manager in league.  People criticizing him are either trolls or morons

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  7. 20 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:

    Bregman was terrible this game. No plate discipline whatsoever.

    He made the right move going for the first pitch.  The pitch ran into him but he still got decent wood on it, it just didnt drop.  He hit the ball hard tonight, he just couldn't get one to fall...its baseball.   

  8. 3 minutes ago, sheeeit said:

    Hard to believe we may actually have some sort of end result in sight.  As mentioned 100s of times, if Mueller finds collusion/conspiracy or obstruction of justice or something similar then I will fully support impeachment efforts.

    My guess is that there will be no such evidence.  My guess is that Rosenstein will release a statement summarizing Mueller's findings to date but that mueller's investigative notes will not be made public at this time.  When the final comprehensive report by mueller is done, I think it will absolutely be made public.  I dont think anyone will care at that point as the results will already be out there.

    I also think this whole notion that somehow trump or the repubs will bury the results is just childish.  By law, the report has to go to the senior members of the senate committee, which obviously includes prominent democrats, and there is simply no way that Mueller would find evidence and then not speak out if the evidence was tried to be buried.

    My other prediction, and the one I feel strongest about, is that IF the mueller investigation fails to get trump it will not make any difference to anyone.  Perhaps it will tamper impeachment talk but everyone that believes so strongly that trump is guilty will still think he is guilty but that mueller just could not find the evidence.

    I think if there was a big bomb to drop it would come out before the midterms.  

  9. 5 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Ah, the old "if you aren't doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about" play.

    No, that's not it.  It has nothing to do with what did or did not happen or right or wrong.  The FBI didn't recover any new information.   How could they?  The claims themselves included no details.

  10. 16 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    You are asking what the potential role of Erdogan is in a situation playing out in the Saudi consulate in Turkey where the narrative of what took place is being crafted by the Turkish intelligence agency? 

    To be clear, I don't see any reason to disbelieve the Turkish intelligence.  I don't think they would be making strong moves like they are without ironclad evidence. But I do think that we should question their angle here and be alert. 

    Stop thinking like a western european/american.

  11. 14 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    I think Hinch is a very good manager.  I also think Cora is better.

    Hinch's big moves have backfired this series, most notably his use of certain pitchers,  in addition to his inability to pull them when in trouble.   We would most likely have lost anyway last night because we can't get key hits.  Cora is pitching around our good hitters and forcing us to beat them with our scrubs.  It's working.   Altuve and Correa being banged up is not helping.  We can still win but we are going to need a win tonight and 2 brilliant performances by Verlander and Cole

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