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Posts posted by CHAD BRISCOE

  1. 16 minutes ago, tfoolry said:


    no we have a Problem it is this . that ice is a different shape then the water so we cant way it we dont know if it is the Same Amount

    • Haha 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, Moby Ric said:

    I am not going to send you pics of my junk.  Fag

    if there is a faget its you because your the one who thought of that it wasnt me . smelt it delt it 

  3. We have a Honeless in Pampa name J . T . He walk's around town all the time and people say HEY J . T .and he say HEY MAN and keep on walkin well one day I was driving tryina husle some of these Arby sandwich'es and i see J . T . Walkin outside he always wore a full Cowboy suit look like a Black Cowboy and I said HEY J . T . DO U NEED A RIDE  and he said NO MAN I'M IN A HURRY . so I left him I think he is dead now I havent seen him in a while .

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    • Fuck You 1
  4. There is so much hatred in the world today our president gets disrespect baby's are being killed before they have a chance to live in the world policemen being killed for no reason schools being shot up by people who have no conscious veterens being disrespect and the list goes on and on this is Why I have Oil's for sell it help's with all of these thing's . In the name of Jesus I pray if U dont like it U can sit On a Tack .

  5. 2 hours ago, ulukinatme said:

    Bullshit, my bank showed you cashed it!  I'm taking this up with the Better Business Bureau.  

    Well U should know I am not allow at the bank Any more

  6. Hey Man do u Live in the pan Handle because I have oil's the best way to use you're oil's is in a electric toot toot this is the type I condone for various alments like corns callus tetter's mental health and baby's and much more .  I can anoint them asswell . www.legitimatebusinessenterpise.biz

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  7. Well just like the Title say's I had a Pifane the other day I was chilling behind Stripe's hitting my toot toot and a little u knjow what and all of a sudden this dude come from No Where . And i'm all fuck this , I'm high as ball's and this dude come up to me and he said it's cool dude can I do a toot toot wit you . I said sure and before u know it Me and Amish was buds he work at Stripe's but was on his break and was gonna get retarded on some wierd urbs or shit he got from his sister . Well Amish is Indian and we got to talking about how they live on Reservation's and how I was like it's cool that U get to live for free the goverment don't give me shit and I'm a veteran . Well turn out Amish said There is something you can do to get rid of the Goverment have U ever heard of Possee Comitatus that is the law that let's the Government have Police well did you know that it is ILLEGAL . THAT'S RIGHT at birth the goverment stole your real SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and gave it to a COMPUTER from the IBM CORPORATION . In which time U were enter into a lottery to go to either a real family or a Correction Facility . Well I can tell U this all U have to do is cut up your driver license send it to the Goverment .Is that true 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, luke duke said:

    Rudy said your oils gave him the shits.

    Well I Told Rudy ( A Dumbass ) To Test It Before He Got On A Fucking Submarine . It is in his Text's for Sure and also the sale's agreement

  9. 1 hour ago, ztejas said:

    Chad I'm on the fence. I've heard great things about miracle oils but have yet to try them. As it would be my first time I'm nervous. What advice could you offer?

    Well I would say first start with the inside of youre wrist or something .  that is because if it give's u a rash or it burn's the shit out of u its better there than on your ball's .  next I would say pick a flavour that Glorifie's your Home and Family that you would enjoy . WE also have special oil's for Adult's Only . for rubbing or whatever . 

    B====D~~~~~~~ HIV  :^*

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