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Posts posted by BonzoMontreaux

  1. Been a few days since I got to read this thread... I mean...wow...I can't even...WTF.... I, for one, hope futureman has an abnormally large asshole and a dainty girly hand.   I know many others are wishing the exact opposite regarding the hand and the asshole...

    • Haha 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

    all I'm saying is that Mom was just fine before we lost to ou

    don't want anyone to think that TOM HERMAN KILLED MY MOM or anything like that, because it would be ridiculous to say that TOM HERMAN KILLED MY MOM by causing her to give up after that shitty, godawful performance against the terrible sooners, yet again, so I won't be saying that TOM HERMAN KILLED MY MOM anytime soon. It would be a mistake of Greg-Davis-supporting levels to think that TOM HERMAN KILLED MY MOM just because her health suddenly started to fail and she died right after an ou loss. So let's not so go out and say that TOM HERMAN FUCKING KILLED MY MOM, THAT SONOFABITCH WITH HIS SHITTY COACHING AND SHITTY PERSONALITY AND OTHER SHIT. I won't be writing CDC to say FIRE THAT MOTHER KILLING ASSHOLE, because that would be stupid. 

    but still FUCK YOU TOM


    • Hook 'Em 5
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  3. I live in Kyle and drive back and forth to Wimberley quite a bit as well as Hays City Store.  People who drive that road and insist on fucking around on cell phones or driving drunk need to be jettisoned from Earth.  Even in the best of conditions that road requires your undivided attention.  Deer, hogs, cows....other drivers who don't pay attention.  

    Picked up a tailgater last night (3-4 cars in front of me).  On my ass, quarter of a mile back, on my ass, quarter of a mile back...Get to a red light they are in the left lane.  Some girl playing around on her phone.


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  4. Hays City Store is our go to burger place.  They have a variety of specialty burgers- Bacon Jam Burger is probably my favorite.  I usually just go with a cheeseburger though.  Fries can be a little hit or miss but I am seeing more consistency towards being good all the time..  My wife loves their onion rings.

    In Waco, it used to be Kitok or Cupps.

  5. He needs to be gone.  Should be 1-3 this year.  He has been outcoached in every game save maybe UTEP.  There is no reason that this type of ineptitude should be allowed to continue.  I fucking hate to lose but losing today was like the last time Mack Brown got smoked by OU.  I will watch but it will be with divided attention.  You know, like the way TH coaches this team. 

    All I ask is to avoid the flavor of the year from the group of 5 and get someone who has proven they can win at this level.

    All that being said, I am afraid he gets a free pass because of C19.  



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