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Vic Mackey

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Everything posted by Vic Mackey

  1. Should open their offense back up like their days with Hill. Without him, they still won back to back rings but it was a different approach. More like death by a thousand paper cuts. Mahomes can now air it out more and this should allow Kelce and the others to have better production. Good for KC to recognize they needed a WR and get Worthy.
  2. I agree. We could have stayed put and got a day 1 starter at center, which we desperately need. This guy seems like a project and has an injury history. Dallas usually hits on their 1st round OL picks so hopefully this works. We need someone to replace Tyron Smith and he could never make it as LT in college.
  3. Not even close. Mahomes is leaps and bounds better than Tua.
  4. Potential to be Tyreek Hill 2.0 with Mahomes as his QB. We didn't even see his full potential at UT. Great pick for KC and excited to see what he can do in this offense
  5. It might be smart if your war room actually knows how to utilize those picks. Ours doesn't. Most likely will be same wasted spare that will be gone in a few years.
  6. Or we can draft another useless Michigan DL....Taco and Mazi. Not to mention the TE in the 2nd round last year from Michigan. Both of them contributed zero last year.
  7. Sucks that getting a beej only occurs on special occasions
  8. 12 wins 3 years in a row to equal one single wild card win against a losing record Tampa team is pretty pathetic. Go find me a team that has won that many regular season games in a 3 year span to be that bad in the playoffs. Not sure there is one. Zero difference in this vs the three straight years of 8-8. They all led to the same result.
  9. Suns Reddit is usually terrible and they deleted their subreddit 2 years ago when the Mavs wiped the floor with them in game 7. But I agree with the premise of that post. If the Suns took care of business at home like they did last year, the series is back on. And unlike last year, you are playing an inexperienced Minnesota team who could get rattled losing 2 in a row unlike Denver. I think Minnesota wins the series because this Suns team is extremely flawed and is ugly to watch on offense. But series can change when they change venues. Curious how Minnesota plays on the road.
  10. [Norm] Eiiiiiiiiggghhhht [Hitzges]
  11. Stop with this Romo mystique. He was a playoff loser. He had plenty of chances and failed. Eli Manning doesn't even sniff 2 Super Bowls if Romo took care of business in 2007 and 2011. Romo played with Murray, TO, Dez and Witten. This notion that he didn't have any talent is false. It was there but his teams played small when it mattered most. Exactly like what we have now except for some reason, he gets a ton of excuses made.
  12. Some women like the thrill of sneaking around, having someone "forbidden" and being that 'other woman'. No idea if that story is true but absolutely women out there like that.
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