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I Plead Da Fif

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by I Plead Da Fif

  1. 1 hour ago, T’Boo Ted Marshall said:

    Let’s not start including the 1 out of 100 scenarios here.

    You mean the thing we saw in the spring game that Herman has explicitly said LJH can do? Sounds to me like he’s putting pressure on himself and Beck in getting LJH the damn ball.

  2. 10 minutes ago, DeweyCox said:

    Even the Project Veritas guys are on this Urban Meyer story. Just saw a video on YouTube of secretly recorded interviews with some of his players from Florida. It seems that they were working on a story of a much broader problem of abusive demands in college and pro ball, but narrowed focus onto this current Urban Meyer scandal for this video. More to come...

    You mean this post from page 8?

    On 8/2/2018 at 10:35 AM, KYHorn said:


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  3. 41 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    Seems like most aggy are debating whether they should expect 9 wins this season or moderate their hopes a little and settle for just 8. Can't wait to see how this turns out.


    With 3 gimmies, I see how they get there, but they're vastly overestimating a coaching staff of recruiters getting that much more out of what they have. There are no sure victories in the SEC for them this year. I see them going 7-5, with another loss in a bowl game.

  4. 6 minutes ago, RabidM said:

    We're probably getting neither... neither is aggie.  We're just a sexier hat on the table than them.  

    I agree the most likely scenario is we get neither. I mean have either ever made it to campus? It just seems odd to be on both of their top 7's with little to no communication about Texas recruiting them being publicized. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, Schulz2.0 said:

    Nahlin interviewed Hornsby and his private QB coach several weeks ago. Soon after posting it he received a message from someone close to Hornsby chiding him for not “going through the proper channels” to get the interview.

    Fair to say the Malik Hornsby recruitment will not be squeaky clean?

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