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Posts posted by Kyle

  1. 21 minutes ago, MrPhlegm said:
    1 hour ago, Kyle said:
    There may not be a greater coach in the history of college football. I cannot think of another coach that took a worse program to as much success as Snyder. IIRC, K-State literally was the worse D-1 program before Snyder, and the university was about to shut it down. Snyder turned the Wildcats in the NC contenders for a few years and consistently a Big 8 / XII power.

    Darrell K Royal you hampsterpenised git.

    LOL. Touché!

  2. 1 hour ago, IDIOTsavant said:

    I assume you're 12 because nobody with any legitimate perspective would feel this way. Go look at K State's record before that man got there. He literally made that program and has the right to coach it as long as he wants barring a Paterno situation (which will never happen with him).

    There may not be a greater coach in the history of college football. I cannot think of another coach that took a worse program to as much success as Snyder. IIRC, K-State literally was the worse D-1 program before Snyder, and the university was about to shut it down. Snyder turned the Wildcats in the NC contenders for a few years and consistently a Big 8 / XII power.

    • Like 2
  3. I actually don't even know what "racist" means these days. My experience was different than many. I grew up behind the Pine Curtain in a town that was about 50-50 white-black ... Back then there were few Asians or Mexicans. Sure we heard racial epithets on both sides, but no one really cared what color you were. My sainted mother would say the N-word but had no problem with my black friend having sleep overs in first grade. Black guys on the football team would call me "hockey," but I never really thought they were big racists.

  4. On September 28, 2018 at 11:32 AM, DaysOff said:

    Get your ass to the library and look it up in the Encyclopedia Britannica like we did in the olden days if you're worried about search results.

    I pine for the days when a search engine would actually search vs. returning whatever it's advertisers were paying. Is there an actual search engine anymore?

    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, Armybrat said:

    Got a good laugh when I saw this at our (wide) open HEB today....

    Bob Dylan was certainly right.



    Seriously ... Who buys a magazine about a TV show? I did not even realize 60 minutes was still on.

  6. 28 minutes ago, immortal13 said:

    Maybe I should spend my time hoping the cop has "at least one card", or whatever fucking nonsense you waste your time thinking about.  But then I would be a cop loving apologist like you. 

    I’m happy to send you some reading comprehension books to your folks’ house or help you setup Tinder. Finding a good woman will relax some of that hate and anger. Getting laid is the best antidote to being a bully.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    Yeah but with her situation, I'm thinking there's more to the story. She was probably on/off some meds, and fucking this guy. Something happened, she freaked out and shot him.

    Nobody knows the real story because all that has came out is her side, but I dont believe anyone could be stupid or stressed out enough to walk into the wrong apartment and think it was theirs, even if it's the same chicken cooper below hers or whatever. Either she was dating him or she was out of her mind, if it was the latter, it sucks that nobody saw it earlier, especially in her profession.

    I feel bad for both, but way, way worse the dude she shot. If it's murder that's horrible, if her story is true that is also horrible. I dont believe her storyfor a second.

    Just imagine if it was a white Male cop instead of a woman. Would we be having riots. Would ANYONE believe that stupid fucking story?

    Do the ride along, they don't care if you are just doing it for shits and giggles. It's like being in an episode of cops. Mostly funny, sad, not super serious. Hopefully nothing actually serious would happen, because you dont want that dose of adrenaline.

    I had just assumed exponential more empathy for him and his family. As for her story, agreed it does not make sense - the scorned lover makes more sense than wrong apartment- surely texts, emails, etc. could figure that out. After I heard the initial report my first thought was please let the cop have at least one card. White guy and it’s Watts 2.

    • Fuck You 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Zavala said:

    Go do a ride along with the police. Just say you are thinking about getting the training and joining. You sign a piece of paper saying you won't blame them if you die. 

    You can spend all night watching all the fucked up situations police have to get into constantly, from the safety of the passenger seat of the car. You aren't technically allowed to get out. You also must be aware that everything is being recorded on the police mic, sometimes body cam, and the dashboard cam. You shouldn't talk enough to fuck up a case one way or another if something happens. 

    It really does give you an idea what they go though. 

    That's probably a good idea for me and a lot of people that talk smack on social media. I'm probably one of 10 posters on the Interwebs that appreciates nuance and gray and does not feel the need to solely parrot one tribe or the other. Like every other profession, cops have good or bad; but most professions don't have everything they do critiqued.

    I do like your empathy post. Unlike many, I don't have selective empathy and try to share it for all people not just my tribe. I do feel really bad for her; she did not intend to be in this situation. However, cops every day punish people for much less, and the results of her actions cannot be retracted.

  9. 42 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    I agree, but this is simply a response to more violence they have to face. The shit cops have to deal with in the modern age is insane, and they have to do it on camera. I have a friend in LE that was charged with official oppression, had tons of death threats and had to move. His own personal body cam video is what got him off the hook, when they played it from his point of view it was obvious he was trying to prevent harm. He was eventually given an accommodation for bravery, after having to go through almost 2 years of constant harassment. The shit sucks, you either risk your life or you roll in hot and heavy, either way the media (and the lemmings) are going to go against you.

    The modern era policing has gotten ridiculous, look at what the man did in Dallas to those police officers. I'm glad they had military style equipment to go after him.


    I agree. I am very sympathetic to the plight of police and the pressure they're under. I agree that likely the gangs in L.A. and their firepower (and the Latin cartels) forced the increased criminal firepower and thus the police firepower. I realize it is impossible with governments (and many big organizations), but in a perfect world there is a bunch of gray between - I'm arresting a known cartel member with lots of weapons vs. I'm arresting a 35-year-old dad on a robbery charge. I also realize it's easy to criticize having never lived it.

    • Like 1
  10. I get triggered by the constant re-defining words to add superficial significance. I think words matter and we really don't need to redefine them. My latest pet peeve: "My/Her Truth." You mean your opinion. But we think by calling it "my truth" it somehow increases its value.

    • Like 2
  11. 19 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    Lack of knowledge of the law doesn't make the law non-existent. We all know she knew murder is illegal.

    Imagine calling the police and getting this insane woman coming to help you. Horrible that she was even still on the force with obvious mental issues.

    I respect the pressure cops are under. I also believe it is imperative they be trained and held accountable to the job at hand. I do not understand the "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality. Seems like the smart thing to do would have been to, I don't know, run outside and call the cops. Where was he going to go? She could have arrested him when he exited the apartment ... guessing by then she would have figured out she was on the wrong floor and apologized profusely.

    Not to chase a rabbit, but I think police since the 1980s have gotten way to militaristic and way to aggressive. I realize in many cases, they may be out-gunned, but it feels like some common sense is in order, i.e. serving warrants and arrests. Does not feel like the SWAT team needs to bust down doors every single time. Sometimes a cautious but polite knock on the door could de-escalate discrete and community violence and feelings between cops and the community. I get it is a chicken-egg argument, but I think generally cops over-reacted to the 1980s gang situation by moving from police work to military work. (realize it has been discussed ad nauseam).

    • Like 1
  12. 56 minutes ago, NorthLoop said:


    Are you a flat-earther too? 

    I have done a decent amount of research on the case. I find that most who do realize they're likely guilty. I respect those that disagree, but there is quite a bit of evidence that points to their guilt not shown on the propaganda. Additionally, most of the supporters are pretty passionate to crazy, so trying to engage in a rational discussion is impossible. #nocloakroom (not saying you, just my experience)

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