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Tired Horn

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Posts posted by Tired Horn

  1. 15 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    With our talent, Elko's new culture, our facilities, and our money, the sky is the limit for this waking giant!

    Even better, we won't have a rude awakening while getting to know the brutal week to week grind of playing in the SEC!


    The sky has been the limit for Aggie forever, at least according to them.

    You'd think they would have hit it at least once in 84 years. Hell, we've hit it three times in the 55 years I've been watching Texas football, not to mention the times we were one win away.

    I guess they've been searching for the perfect Elko culture for 84 years. Just like they were searching for the perfect Jimbo culture for 78 years. 

    Why is it every Aggy coach in memory has installed the perfect culture before ever playing a game?

  2. 10 minutes ago, Josef Pwag said:

    Kelvin Banks is in his last year. Same for QE. Veteran o-line and an experienced QB from a team that was 13 yards from the national title game. A reasonable argument can be made that these circumstances won't be seen again for many years. There may be nothing like this season again while Sark is coach. If there was ever a time to go all-in, it is likely now. 

    This isn't just about the TCU guy. If anyone's NIL deal will upset the locker room, then just pay everyone more. This is not the time for belt-tightening. I would hope that someone could convince our major donors that this year is special and this is the time to write checks if you want a title. 

    You can go years without winning a national title even when you're pretty good.  Just ask Jim Harbaugh. To insist that we have limitless resources and should blow the top off for any given year is unrealistic. Let's focus on being persistently good for a while.

    It's a sign of how successful the roster building has been that we're free to obsess about depth at a couple of spots. How many times over the last 14 years have we obviously lacked quality starters at multiple positions? I understand that football boards are made to whine about everything, but try and be happy that the glass is 95% full. 


    • Hook 'Em 8
  3. 1 hour ago, Tex Pete said:

    Non-Aggies really have a hard time understanding how intertwined TexAgs (and other aggie recruiting reporters), aggie alums, and the University really are because we do not look at the world through the same lens they do.

    We see ourselves as people who went to the University of Texas and who root for the University of Texas. Because of that, we can look at things our school does or things our athletic teams do and criticize the things we disagree with because we separate one from the other; the school is external to us.

    Aggies are bred to believe that they ARE Texas A&M. The school is their identity. Whether you shovel horse shit, drive a chicken truck, sell insurance, breed horses, fuck horses, run the university, build tract homes, dig latrines in the military, write fiction for rubes to purchase, or fail to supervise drunk kids building dangerous structures, you are Texas A&M. The school did that. With that mindset. the school becomes far too important.These idiots will squeeze their nutsacks, even if they don't have nutsacks, to show support for their school. Doing all things legal and illegal to bring recruits to the school is an easy leap with that mindset. Corrupting the line between an external journalistic entity and the University is an easy leap with that mindset. They don't even recognize it in themselves.

    Billy Liucci has made a ton of money being a complete goober because of the hive mind. Of course he can illegally insert himself into recruiting players, because it's for dear old TAMC. And after all, everyone else does it. The ends justify the means. WHOOP!

    You cannot separate the rube from his identity, and you'll almost never find an aggy who has a problem with how they do things.

    You can take the Aggie out of the shithole, but you can't take the shithole out of the Aggie.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  4. 30 minutes ago, Fondren & Main said:

    These people really are stupid.  8-4 would be a great first year for them.  I hope they go 6-6.

    That's the basic Aggie problem in a nutshell. They're so convinced that they're great that they need immediate vindication. It's not enough that averaging 8-4 over the years makes you a pretty decent team, or that every team has down years from time to time, or that this is Elko's first year in a bit of a rebuild. They so desperately crave affirmation of their greatness that they try to will it into being based on nothing but hopium.

    Every school has its overly hopeful fans, but Aggie takes it to a whole other level of psychosis. 

    So yeah, Jimbo knew the right chicken to pluck. 

    • Hook 'Em 4
  5. 4 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    I'm guessing it wasn't one of Aggie Dad's sons who died. 

    And aggy could win every football game starting the day after the collapse until the heat death of the universe, and they would still have died in vain. 



    It is not the Aggie spirit to accept defeat."

    Why not?  They've had plenty of practice.

    AGGIE BONFIRE MUST CONTINUE AND DAMN THE TORPEDOES. . . . there must be a continuation of Aggie Bonfires, even if it doesn’t seem wise.”

    The darkest Aggie joke I've ever heard:

    Q: How many Aggies does it take to build a Bonfire?

    A: It depends. How many are you looking to get rid of?

    I used to think that was too dark. But for assholes like this "Aggie Dad," it seems like a simple truth. I mean, I certainly sympathize with the families who needlessly lost loved ones for a fucking football game, but its the hidebound Aggie mentality that caused that loss that really needs to be burned to the ground.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. 3 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I'm not a civil engineer, but I am an engineer who has designed various things (some potentialy dangerous and some not) to standards, and I've designed additions to a house that a GC built.  Every potential load-bearing or safety-critical aspect must pass muster and be documented.  Beyond that, inspections have to happen in construction.  I just don't get how these dipshits got away with a bunch of wholly uneducated rubes building a multistory building (and make no mistake, that's what bonfahr is) without any real constraints save gravity and questionable geometry?  I mean, if a building inspector from any other county came by he would laugh his ass off in terror and kick everyone off the stack.  It's astonishing.  AND they have a supposedly reputable engineering department.

    As I recall, some of their engineering faculty tried to raise concerns to no avail.

    Cuz it's a cult, you know. And who knows more about structural safety anyway--an engineer or some bellowing redass AG polishing up his management skills for that sweet "insurance salesman in Katy" gig?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. It would be pathetic beyond words if they actually hire a construction company to build a bonfire on campus and then pretend it's the return of their "glorious" tradition. So, they have to be seriously considering it since they never pass up the opportunity to be clueless ass clowns. And there's no other way for this to happen given legal liability concerns if they sacrifice more students to the pagan god of Bonfire.

    The whole thing would be laughable if 12 students hadn't died for a fucking football game. And the ass clowns are proud of that.   

  8. On 3/22/2024 at 8:32 PM, Patrick Bateman said:

    Best IDL vs the run has now left and Hankins had a lost a step too..... So... what's the plan because these guys aren't cheap.  At least the good ones...


    Don't worry. Jerry's on it.

    Give him another 20 years ad he'll have it all ironed out.

  9. On 3/15/2024 at 5:45 PM, tokamak said:

    Are we the Nebraska of the NFL? Thoroughly passed up by the rest of the NFL with no realistic pathway back to relevance without huge structural change that is not likely to happen anytime soon? But since we won some shit 30 years ago a subset of fans will always feel like we’re entitled to be good and a return to those glory days is just right around the corner.

    I’m going to pick some other random team that doesn’t give a single fuck about us and start blaming them for all our problems. Guys, the Pittsburgh Steelers did this to us! It’s their fault! If they hadn’t started Steelers Network, we wouldn’t be fucking useless for the rest of eternity!!

    I don't think we're Nebraska. I mean, they've just run into the geographic, financial and cultural limitations of Nebraska as a state at a time in college football's evolution when those things matter a lot. They can still have some decent 8 and 9-win seasons if they get their act together, but they're no longer a serious candidate for a national title based on things out of their control.

    Dallas, on the other hand, is the 9th largest city in the US, the franchise is the most valuable in all of sports, with a television cache that admittedly defies rational explanation after all these years, has resources and some sharp-looking uniforms, and has actually assembled a decently stocked roster. There's no reason the Cowboys shouldn't be at least in play for a Super Bowl every now and then save the egomaniacal cancer running the show.

    In short, Nebraska is now facing the real-life consequences of being Nebraska. The Dallas Cowboys management is just fucking the team up and has been for almost three decades.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  10. 4 hours ago, TexArcher said:

    Man, fuck this guy so much.

    And then a little more.

    I'm so glad we kept this shit-stain out of the Rose Bowl. And if we're going to be delusional assholes, I'd prefer to think his one Sper Bowl win was a false flag operation.

    He's gone from an exceptional quarterback to a complete jackass. His smug self-regard is so immense and so impervious to reality that it could be a renewable energy source. Stick a plug in his ass and let him light New York for a week.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  11. 53 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    It is the same reason they never shut the fuck up whether we beat them or not. Not for a month, a week, or even a day. They cannot. They are (in)bred to do it. They are indoctrinated to do it. 

    Texas A&M has won every game they've never played. They've won a lot of games the scoreboard said they lost. All of their opponents actually lost most of the games they won on the scoreboard. They would have won if it would not have been for _______________.

    Just wait: they'll show us next year!

    Pay attention.

    A&M NEVER loses. They just run out of fucking time.

    Even the infamous 77-0 OU game wasn't a loss. If those cowardly Sooners had been forced to stay on the field things would have been different. Sure, it might have been 300-0 by the next day, but the Sooners just don't have the commitment of the fearless and stupid Aggies. Ultimately, they'd have wimped out and gone home . And then the Aggies would romp. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  12. 28 minutes ago, Elmer_Fudd said:




    I guess Jimbo used fake, virtual coaching.

    Maybe after COVID he just coached remotely. All those times you thought you saw him at a game, it was really just a hologram. The real Jimbo was drunk at home in his underwear wallowing in his play sheets. It's a miracle those fine young Aggies won any games under such a degenerate.

  13. 59 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:

    China has been infinitely more successful than aggy at anything - regardless of economic/political systems. I'm obviously no fan of China, but recall China is an ancient civilization that once upon made positive contributions to mankind. Has aggy ever offered mankind anything worthwhile in the entirety of its shitty existence? 

    I did read an article claiming that Texas A&M ruined the jalapeno pepper. At least China didn't do that.

    Direct Quote: "DeWitt, writing in his solo book Chile Peppers: A Global History, says TAM became widespread in Texas after its introduction. “It was much milder and larger than the traditional jalapeños, and genes of this mild pepper entered the general jalapeño pool. Cross-breeding caused the gene pool to become overall larger and milder.”

    Since I know you’re wondering who the inventors are: the clue is in the name TAM II. The hot (but also not hot) new jalapeño is an invention of Texas A&M University. Yes, Aggies took the spice out of life."

    Here’s Why Jalapeño Peppers Are Less Spicy Than Ever

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    • Rage+1 4
  14. 33 minutes ago, nnm said:

    He last coached in 2002.  How much do you think he knows about NIL, coaching contracts?  How much do you think he cares about any sport other than foosball?  He's a fossil and they are doubling down on hurrr durrr texum aggies.  Unbelievable.  

    So, you're saying that RC doesn't exactly have his finger on the pulse of 2024 culture?

    Hmmm... I think Aggie would respond that it's the kids who are wrong.

    • Haha 1
  15. 19 hours ago, The Gimp said:

    Of course.  I think it was on the portal thread a poster expressed disappointment that he had committed to us so fast because if “ Elko got him on campus he could have closed it”.

    Cuz God knows Bryan/College Station is the ultimate teenage dream and the brutally simplistic block style buildings of Texas A&M are a wonder to behold.

    Truly the crown jewel of East Texas. 

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