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Certifiably Surly
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JesusSweatDuck last won the day on November 5 2023

JesusSweatDuck had the most liked content!


17509 Surly 1%

About JesusSweatDuck

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  1. Wow, classless fucks. At least there are some rational people in there. I know we mock Elko and his drinking, but at a personal level I hope it's not as reported and I hope if it is, he figures it out. I wouldn't wish addiction issues on anyone. Seeing what it has done to family members maybe makes me more empathetic to their struggles.
  2. S Car, and GCU are beatable. I guess we chose to align with the other SEC schools
  3. I think that lady is trying to replace KKL as the most unhinged fan.
  4. Helobious being wrong about absolutely everything is always incredible to me. @Helobiousdo you publish stock picks so I know which ones to short?
  5. Apparently Elko is a giant pussy. He's going to fit right in
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