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About Hefeweizen

  • Birthday January 1


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    Fuck you.

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  1. Serious question, what’s awful? I know her background but don’t really see anything terrible there. Can you provide anything? We know what a lying sack of shit pedophile trump is, but I’m curious now.
  2. Thanks man. It’s not a tumor, he’s had idiopathic epilepsy for 5 years. It’s just that he’s old and things kind of fell apart. I’m doing my own physical therapy with him taking him into the ocean in a harness and letting him paddle. I’m a fucking tenacious asshole when it comes to people I love (he’s my best friend). We’re going to get him back to as good as he can be. I can’t imagine not giving it my all.
  3. What happened to woke? For a few years everyone was bitching about how everything was woke! I wondered if they were sleeping before they were woke.
  4. Or calling people pedo when they ignore his stupid advice. He’s just a worthless sack of shit who got lucky with his investments.
  5. Regarding Elmo, did anyone actually think he’d follow through? So he did this, got pantsed by Newsom, and then backed down anyway. What a loser.
  6. Is that loser still doing his schtick? I’d forgotten about him after getting a car with a CD player and not listening to 1300 anymore. He’s unbelievably repetitive.
  7. Unfortunately we’re in BFE in California. Neurologist was near San Jose and can get fucked with a rusty butter knife. Our euthanizing vet has been the most helpful as she doesn’t give a shit about standard of care. It’s amazing how lawyers ruin things they touch.
  8. They’re always shitting their pants. Adult diaper out front should have told you.
  9. Shit, I’ve started and stopped a post to this thread several times this past month. My vizsla is almost 11 and epileptic, but seizures were pretty controlled. Until about a month ago, when I was out of town, and he had what apparently was a huge cluster of seizures. Wife took him to pet ER and they tried a lot of things including Midolazam, keppra, and nothing worked until they did an IV with phenobarbital. Even then he was still seizing, but less often. After I got home we picked him up since I usually care for him myself, and after talking to the vet we put him on bromide as well. Btw, pet ER can get 5k before you blink. We got home and he was still seizing but more controlled than before. After another 24 hours he stopped and we were able to assess the damage. His back legs basically weren’t working, whether due to ataxia or neuropathy, and he was obviously in pain. We got harnesses, slings, and went to work on therapy. For about two weeks he steadily improved. Then out of the blue, he starts dragging his paws and tripping. In addition it looks like he’s having focal seizures (he usually has grand Mals). Really weird. Vet tells us she’s out of ideas and we should go to a neurologist. 2 hours away. So off we fucking go, get there and realize this neurologist is a fucking idiot, asking us for videos of the seizures and a log. Another 1k wasted. At this point I contact a vet who does home euthanasia because I feel like the dog is just suffering needlessly. She comes twice, the first time I wave her off because I’m seeing some improvement. The second she gives me pain medicine for the dog, because she thinks there is probably some underlying pain besides the seizures causing the lack of mobility. We got him on Meloxicam and so far, so good. Three anti convulsants and a pain med and I think he’s averted the rainbow bridge for now. I cried more over my dog than I have for anyone else in a long time. I really thought he was done for a few days, and I’m glad I am so stubborn and wouldn’t stop trying for him. We don’t deserve our dogs, but we can try to live up to what they think we are.
  10. I don’t think that’s exactly how the saying goes. As a never trump former Republican I’ll say I’m gruntled by the news. A woman President is overdue. Even better one that breaks their brains.
  11. I fully expect him to drive Tesla into the ground. He’s going to make himself Marge Schott before he’s done.
  12. Steve Adler. The sheer incompetence would be hilarious during National disasters.
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