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Chet Steadman

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  1. MIA just CrowdStrike’d this thread with his post
  2. Absolutely zero complaints but it’s been wild the number of days in June and July this year where the wind has been coming in from the N and NE.
  3. It would be interesting to see a comparison of this summer over the past 10-15 previous. We've got a lonnngg way to go but this has felt to be among the "nicest" 2-3 summers since '07.
  4. Travis watershed finally getting its turn. Nearly 3" thus far since midnight in Johnson City.
  5. It’s going to rain everywhere but Austin today isn’t it?
  6. Historical high temperature talk not going away. Pretty rare going back 100 years, absolutely. Pretty rare in these modern end-of-Earth Central Texas times? Not really. I went back just a few years and found the following: 2023: 94 degrees April 15th (First 95 or above June 14th) 2022: First 95 degree day occurred on April 4 (96*). Interestingly, everyday from May4th to May 21st that year was between 92-101* 2021: 94 degrees on May 4 (95* June 9th) 2020: 95 degrees on April 8 2019: 95 degrees on June 7th (multiple 93s and 93s in April and May) 2018: 97 degrees on May 15th 2017: 95 degrees on April 28th 2016: 95 degrees on June 16th (best Austin summer since 2007)
  7. Now you’ve done it. This post is a dog whistle for YGIFS and an inevitable seven paragraph post on the subject.
  8. I think it’s a more common than you’d imagine. Not certain when the average 95° day occurs, but I know historically at least, the average first 90° day in Austin is late March/early April.
  9. Good news for The Parlor girls is no one paying $3 million for that building. They’d be lucky to get half that number
  10. One hundred percent chance of rain sounds promising, no? Not surprisingly however, latest forecast from Spency has it missing the Highlands almost entirely.
  11. Nice. This and one other taken a month or two later during construction are my fave Travis pics. The deepest part of the lake is actually just west of Starnes Island. Well over 230’ when the lake is full.
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