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Mach 1

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Mach 1

  1. 2 hours ago, Richard Kimball said:

    Didn't watch. Did they do anything to honor Stan Lee? His characters have been responsible for about 50% of all movie profits over the last ten years. 

    As a huge Marvel comics fan as a kid, it blows me away how important he is to current movie culture.  I've forgotten some of what I originally read, but it's fun to have conversations with my kids about how the characters in the movies compare to the original comics, story arcs, etc.  

    In retrospect Stan Lee's imagination and creativity is colossal.  He created a universe of characters, using different artists, and sold them for 12-25 cents at 7-11 or Circle K.  I'm glad he was able to see his work turn into a powerhouse.


    • Like 1
  2. I liked it also, but expected more.  He had something special with the actors and the setting, just couldn't deliver anything other then okay.

    Did they ever say how the Hays's wife dies?  I hated that character and fast forwarded past almost every dumb, needlessly time consuming conversation she had with Ali. 


  3. 13 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Seems like the last straw was the pool company party video going public. After we got a hold of that, the video went private and Hamm lost that job, followed immediately by his twitter going private. 

    He was a dumbshit but I *kind of* feel sorry for him.  There has to be a false sense of power that comes with having -or making up- information people will actually pay for.  And if that info is for a bunch of delusional dumbfucks, even better.  He got a taste of that power, liked it too much, got cocky, and let it fuck up his life.  I enjoyed watching the car crash, but now that it's over I hope he regroups and moves on.

    That reminds me wasn't he supposed to be on a podcast?  And what happened to the podcasts?  I thought they were pretty entertaining.

  4. I don't understand the WalMart fashion commercials. So they fashion the crew servicing the extras?  And that is marketable how, to the people who work in Hollywood that have no exposure to WalMart, or the people in WalMart country that hate Hollywood?  

    Maybe they're trying to get in with the Hollywood clothing services by undercutting the competition?  Bizarre.

  5. He's a real estate guy and thinks the MOU is the same as an LOI.  A Letter of Intent is done all the time and broken all the time, depending on the wording. I've always been instructed to assume an LOI is binding due to *the possibility* the other side might litigate.  Since he likes to litigate he thinks the MOU, like his LOI's, are shit. 

  6. 24 minutes ago, ButtFumble said:


    but the guy was 18 or 19 years old and looked like he was 16 and was wafer thin and he was just tossed to the wolves the next year and it fucked him in the head

    Are we sure about that, or did he just suck in college?  He had a decent supporting cast that should have offset 5 INT against KS and throwing into triple coverage about a thousand times against BYU the following year to earn him the bench.

    I agree he was thrown to the wolves against AL, but after that he was clearly "the guy" and had plenty of time to prepare for prime time.  You could be right and Mack may have fucked him up mentally, as he did the rest of the program, but who really knows.  I just saw a QB that made poor reads countless times, despite having limitless physical tools.

    That said, I'm glad he's winning and hope he makes it back to the NFL.

  7. A little off topic but the Silcon Valley jargon is bleeding over into other industries, like real estate and construction, to try and sound hip and edgy.  Companies are forming that want to manufacture entire buildings off site, then truck them in large sections and bolt everything together.  As a potential customer,  I was asked to sign an NDA to have access to look at their "IP" and better understand their "platform."   WTF?  What you're doing is called prefab, just give me a brochure and a Power Point presentation.

    • Like 3
  8. Goddamnit that article made me sick.  Those motherfuckers are straight out of True Detective deranged power shit.

    For any legal types can anything be done post plea? Can they go after these guys? Bastards.

  9. I vaguely recall a post on the old scat site from a "friend" of roommate of Don Jr. at  Penn. It summed up Donny pretty well.  Story went that Dotard was invited to a football game, family included. He found Jr in his dorm room clad in basic college kid football clothes.  Dotard took one look and slapped him across the head so hard it knocked the dumb kid to the floor.  He said "Put on a suit and tie" and walked back downstairs to the car. Jr did as told.

    Could be bullshit, but kind of sums up his current support.

  10. I'll spoiler my assumption


    There must be a mutual agreement between Hoyt and Hays (and I assume West) to keep the murder quiet in exchange for keeping the missing girl quiet.   West is cognizant of that in the present time and keeps cautioning Hays and his son, but Hays doesn't remember that part of the past so feels compelled to reinvestigate.


  11. I liked to Stern alot on KRock, and jumped to Sirius immediately.  I used to think he had Sirius by the balls, they'd have to rehire him or lose a shitload of subscribers.  Now I'm not so sure. I stopped listening to Stern about a year ago, mostly because his narcissistic personality became more annoying as I got older (not sure why, maybe because I had kids), but also because the bits were getting stale.  Now I listen to music and news exclusively.  The money I pay is 100% to avoid the cringe worthy shit on terrestrial radio.

    It will be interesting to see what happens when his contract comes up. I think Sirius now has the leverage to low ball him, which with his ego, would likely lead to retirement,  and we can then find out if he really has a ton of offers to do other things.  He always said he hated it and wanted to retire, but I think that's bullshit.  He likes the fame and notoriety. 

  12. Mueller is a straight shooter that follows the rule of law, so I'd expect him to follow the rules associated with the OSC.  He's also a veteran and ex FBI director that, I assume, cares about the Constitution and the future of this country.  

    The report will be seen by the public someway, somehow.  Now it might be redacted in parts, to keep our pets' heads from falling off, but the main gist of the facts I believe will not, and cannot, be buried.

    I'll take the naive banner if it wasn't Mueller, but it is, so I'll go with we'll know most everything regardless of what the traitoreous R's try to do.



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