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Posts posted by Asithappens

  1. 19 hours ago, Hate said:

    I have a 12 year old that doesn't want the shot either.  He's been at school all year and has hung out with his friends during this entire pandemic. I won't make him get the shot. Damn near every one else that he interacts with has had the vaccine, so I'm not sure we will make him get the shot.  

    I don't understand this. 

    It's like we've gone full retard on how viruses work. 

    My 12 yo doesn't want a shot so I'm ok with it. 

    Fucking parents nowadays. Grow a pair and do the right thing. For him and everyone else. Jesus.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Pancho said:

    Getting back to the topic, I don't think "wokeness" is a problem.  Dems won both senate seats in Georgia and Biden won by 7 million.  That doesn't sound like a "woke' problem to me.  If people want to say Latinx instead of Hispanic, who gives a shit. 

    Here's what Carville had to say about that (and I agree with him):


    We won the White House against a world-historical buffoon. And we came within 42,000 votes of losing. We lost congressional seats. We didn’t pick up state legislatures. So let’s not have an argument about whether or not we’re off-key in our messaging. We are. And we’re off because there’s too much jargon and there’s too much esoterica and it turns people off.


    Stop convincing yourself that just b/c Biden won that all is well. It isn't. Especially with re-apportionment coming down the pike.

  3. Thanks for posting this. I first saw this on Jerry Coyne's blog. 

    Carville is right. Look, it's a political party not a religion. Get the "true believers" the fuck outta here. 

    The fringe/progressive side of the Dems is poison to a lot of blue collar America, and I'm not a big fan of them, either. Latinx? Defund the popo? WTF is that? Just. Fucking. Morons. Imo. 

    Thank god it looks like we have an adult back in the WH. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 38 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Anybody remember James Gandolfini in "true Romance"?  He describes the feeling he got when killing someone to Alabama Whurley.  He then describes the second one, and then how he got so bored with it, the feelings have gone numb, now he just does it to watch their facial expressions change.  

    That's what's happening with these Trump insurrectionists.  Watching the first one get hauled off to jail will be a twisted thrill.  The second will be the same, but more diluted.  Then the third and fourth and so on.  But by the time we get to the 100th one, it'll just be fun to see what their faces look like as they're hauled off to federal prison.  

    It's when you're sitting across from that person.  When their guard comes down.  When they finally look back and see the folly of their ways and know they've finally been cornered.  When they know a huge portion of their life is now destroyed and there's no walking it back.  There's mostly regret and dread and shame, but there's always a tiny modicum of relief.  It's when all that washes over their face.....seeing a human being's soul get crushed because of something they voluntarily chose to do knowing it was wrong.  There's not a drug like it in the world.  

    And... then it's time for forgiveness. 

    Just my opinion. 

    We (the non-Trumptards) should be the better people. 

  5. 45 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Most on the left don’t understand the level of fear that some pro-gun activists possess. I recall on TOS, there were some posters that admitted they walked around armed in their own house due to the idea that a home invasion was a real possibility. If your mindset is that people could break down your door any minute, of course you would even feel more unsafe when you leave the house. You will fight anyone that wants to remove your rights and possibly guns.

    And on the in-house armed status, what a miserable life. Move to a safer location. Invest in more secure doors. I can’t imagine the stress of being that afraid 24/7. It can’t be healthy.

    There's no other way to say it: those people are mentally ill. 



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  6. 20 hours ago, Willfully Horn said:

    KOKE hosted Graham Parson and Emmylou back when it was UT’s RTF station. If hot were sound, they qualified. That show made my wife and I consider cheating songs as the theme for the music at our wedding.

    Parson's album Grievous Angel is very good and has a lot of Harris in it. 

    Just some great music.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Sawbonz said:

    I mean you can let objective objective data drive your opinion or you can look at anecdotal evidence of fundraising dinners in Bemidji Minnesota. You know, these people:



    I would argue different parts of the brain are in play when deciding which one to give more weight

    Hey! You can bad mouth Chaska, Le Sueur, or even White Bear Lake, but leave Bemidji out of it. 

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  8. I guess that evangelicals have always worshipped at the altar of ignorance (see Inherit the Wind, great movie). But now it seems that hypocrisy and bigotry are taking the center stage, as well. And they are ok with that b/c they think that's what their god wants.

    You can't tell these people anything. 

  9. 2 hours ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    He’s not going to get a DD. That’s reserved for the most serious offenses and must be accompanied by court martial. You get. DD for rape, murder, espionage... Even a bad conduct discharge can only be handed down by court martial and are usually an accompaniment to prison time. 

    A lot of the self-identified white supremacists who were booted out recently got general discharges, which is bad enough.  Employers don’t want to see that.  I could see this guy MAYBE getting a General- Other then Honorable Conditions. That would be really bad for him.  

    So have a court martial then.

    Like that's a deal breaker? 

  10. 1 hour ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

    I flipped on Fox News this morning for my 10 minutes of news since MSNBC and CNN were talking about the Chauvin Trial and they were going on and on about how moving the court to 13 is so wrong and the Dems are just trying to get power unlike the Republicans.  They even showed a clip of RBG saying 9 was a good number.  You know, the same RBG that said her seat should be filled after the last election so apparently they now care about her opinion but not then.  One guy said they won’t expand the court but this legislation is meant to scare the current court into doing what the Democrats want them to do. They were really spinning it to the rubes watching that the evil democrats will take control of the Supreme Court and turn it into a branch of government that is no longer non partisan and the country will fall into a progressive abyss.  Someone smarter than me should really do a study on how Fox News “spins” this stuff into driving fear into its watchers that the other side is evil and is coming to destroy your country/world/life.  

    As far as the actual court, I would love to see some reform.  Maybe its adding 4 seats to be more representative of the country.  Maybe its finding a system that doesn’t rely on which President is in office and how many die/retire during his term.  Maybe we should force retirement on some as we don’t need a bunch of 80 plus year olds making the rules for this country the same way I don’t need my Grandfather making rules for this country.

    I liked RBG. And I loathe Trump and Trumptards. 

    But why in the fuck didn't RBG retire when Obama could've appointed somebody to replace her?

    That's pretty much on her. Fucking stupid decision imo. (for her not to have retired)

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  11. 2 hours ago, UTexasFight said:

    Big bend hike recommendations please

    looking for a longer one on Sunday; shorter one Monday morning 

    Oh man, I need to get back to God's country. 

    The Window Trail (if it's a "trail", can't remember) is good and easy. The only downside is that it's downhill starting out but uphill returning. 

    Lost Mines Trail is good. Grapevine Hills (think that's what it's called) is really nice. Be careful climbing those rocks. 

    Just ask a Ranger. Of course, be sure to hit up Santa Elena Canyon. 

    Big Bend is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In my opinion. 

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