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Posts posted by Asithappens

  1. 4 minutes ago, slorch said:

    I know everyone here is a Fields Medal winner, but you don't get to that 56% number without some dumbasses on both sides.

    It's sometimes peculiar how the timing/ location/ or wording of those quizzes is done.  Gotcha moments are so fun.

    Well, ok then, what are some of the specific questions/wordings that make this a "gotcha" thing instead of an ignorance thing? 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 15 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    You echo the second or third post downplaying the death because the man had lived a long life. You add that he's obese.

    My dad was 83 and doing pretty good enjoying life. He took a fall in a physical therapy location that led to a quad tendon repair that he never bounced back from. He died less than two years later having never walked or driven a car again.

    My point is that if you're walking the Earth and breathing the air and getting some pleasure out of life, an unnecessary and torturous death gasping for breath isn't mitigated by the age of the sufferer.  We will feel pain and desperation in our older age just as we did in our younger days.

    Covid did not have to be the disaster it became. He and his family should be angry at willfully unconcerned government and citizens not taking easy precautions. 

    I'm angry.

    Yeah, the death and pain aren't mitigated by his age. I don't think that was the point. 

    But when you're obese and a dumb-fuck my sympathy level is pretty close to zero. More so because of the dumb-fuckery than the fatness. 

    It seems like nature/grim reaper is finally winning a bit over science, and it's mostly because dumb fucks aren't listening and acting on the science. So again, no fucks given for this dumb ass. 

  3. 10 hours ago, brakeman said:

    c'mon texas, 

    I mean ummm, Nashville.

    I listen Tom Petty Radio on SiriusXM a lot. Good station.

    Mike Campbell, the lead guitarist for The Heartbreakers, has a group now called The Dirty Knobs with a song entitled "Fuck that Guy". 

    I think that song was made for people like this douchebag. 



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  4. 2 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    I was 16 when Len Bias keeled over, and not long after, my dad decided to give me The Talk about cocaine. We were pissing behind some bar in Montrose...."Son, don't mess with this crap up here. If you want to do some blow, go down to Panama and I'll set you up with some friends of mine who will give you some uncut shit three hours from the factory. Not only is this crap up here a rip-off, but it might kill you too."

    I never did make it to Panama, yet, but I also didn't do any coke until I was in my twenties. And it never was my thing.

    I had no trouble sticking to the three rules -- never buy it, never sell it, never turn it down. 

    (Dad had a little phase where he violated the first two, but that was in the '70s.)

    What's your dad's phone number? Asking for a friend.... lol just kidding. i don't want his phone number.

    But... as I get older I find myself thinking of how to shuffle off this mortal coil if things get so bad (health-wise). Keeping a fentanyl-laced whatever might be the way to go. 

  5. 19 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    You're a dishonest fuckstick because you consistently take the position that a person choosing to remain unvaccinated affects only that person.

    It is false.  It is demonstrably false.  It is a lie.  A lie that you relentlessly push.  Which means that you must be doing so in bad faith, and to harm us collectively.  Stop pushing a lie, and I'll stop negging you and calling you what you are -- a fucking piece of shit liar who is actively working to hurt the community I live in.

    This is why I keep coming back to surly. 


  6. I never thought that in my lifetime I would see the GOP and Christianity basically become so full of shit that no intelligent person could belong to either group.

    But here we are. 

    I kinda like being an athiest Democrat.

    Hook 'em!

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  7. 19 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Counterpoint: it doesn’t take that many taking violent action to completely fuck shit up. Violent coups don’t take big numbers.

    That's only if nobody fights back. 

    I think, now, that there will be plenty of fighting back.

  8. 1 hour ago, DonkeyCigars said:

    It's my body, I have the right to choose! - Abortions, that literally kill.

    It's my body, I have the right to choose! - No you don't! Pro-choice people.

    Jesus fucking christ. 

    This clearly isn't the board, intellectually speaking,  for you.

    Take your shit to aggy.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  9. We live in a time where people of science (gasp), NOT RELIGION, have worked very hard to figure out this vaccine shit and yet people refuse to act not only in the interests of those around them but in their own interests. Why? Because mankind is kinda stupid. 

    Like Voltaire (or somebody) said: man is smart. Mankind is dumb. 

    Vaccines have basically done away with smallpox, polio, and other diseases. Those diseases can come back. And if they do, let the anti-vaxxers reap it. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. Look, the world/universe is, in parts, a cruel and indifferent place. If you wanna go full retard/anti-vaxx then that's up to you. I just hope you've taken care of your family, updated your will, and by god don't expect public/medicare funds to pay for your stupidity.

    Is it really such a bad thing to get these idiots out of the gene pool? I don't think so. Good. Don't get a vaccine. Increase your odds of dying. Next.

  11. 22 hours ago, South Austin said:

    One of my law partners, who is one of the more intelligent and rock solid people I know, gives this reason for not getting the vaccine.  She hasn't gotten the shot because she may have genetic predisposition to MS (her mother died of it a few years ago) and is worried about how a drug without full FDA approval might affect her.  And her daughter who's starting college this fall hasn't gotten the shots because she's worried about a potential link between the vaccines and infertility (which I believe has been debunked in scientific literature). I'm not sure I agree with her reasoning, but she's not a full anti-vaxxer, as her husband and son have gotten their shots.

    I'm sure that I don't agree with her reasoning. 

    She sounds like she's so smart that she's stupid. Which to be fair, describes about 80% of lawyers. Law school fucks up their thinking process.

  12. On 7/24/2021 at 10:43 AM, Willfully Horn said:

    I can see your point. But, ask yourself this: IF, in order to be registered for the draft, each individual’s parent had to agree, would you do so?


    I may be taking this comment out of context, but what kind of fucked up policy would that be? A nation cannot go to war unless the parents agree? Both parents? 

    So a nation could be held hostage to mothers who don't want their children to go to war? 

    That would be fine if everybody did that. 

  13. 23 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Says the guy who negged me for applauding Cleveland changing the racist name of their baseball team. I’m not sure we should take you seriously. 

    Look, I'm not against the name change, but it's not a racist name. Injun? Probably. But then you'd better not read Huck Finn. 

    If you get bent out of shape over the word "Indian" then the real world isn't for you.

  14. 11 hours ago, Zepol87 said:

    I'm dumb as fuck because I still don't fully understand. This is bullshit 

    Do you really want the state/govt to pull this sort of bullshit? Promising that there will be no prosecution, thus depriving (from what I've read) one's ability to use one's fifth amendment rights? Try to think of the broader issue here. 

    This isn't bullshit. It's bullshit if people are comfortable with the government doing this. Just my opinion. There's a reason why we have the Bill of Rights placing limits on the powers of government.


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  15. 18 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:



    I have been trying to tell people for more than a decade now that Mattress Mack is a fucking prick, but it's become this H-Town thang that you have to love him no matter how titanic an asshole he repeatedly shows himself to be. "Oh but he lets all those people sleep in his store during floods!" (On write-off floor inventory, and he makes damn sure every camera in town is there to publicize it.) And here he figures he can just rub the whole city's noses in his pile of shit politics because we just love adorable ol' Mack so much.

    1. I don't agree with Mack's politics.

    2. I don't give a fuck if he uses write-off floor inventory, he's still helping.

    3. I don't care if he uses it as a marketing opportunity, he's still helping. 

    4. I don't really get how this proves that Mack figures that he can "just rub the whole city's nose" in it. 

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  16. Holy shit what is going on I don't understand but lets just do whatever the smart science guys are saying to do.


    That's actually a good approach for most things, especially public health. 

    You know what's not a good idea generally? Listening to evangelicals. For anything. 

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